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Requested by misterfuckingmistake

Highschool Au


Timmy grunted as he was thrown onto the ground.

"W-why are you d-doing this?"

The brunet stayed silent, clenching her fists angrily.


Timmy whimpered silently, watching as the brunet walked away.

He leaned against the wall so he wouldn't fall over while standing up.

Timmy walked over to his broken flower crown and picked it up.

All the flowers lost most of their petals, resulting in the vines and twigs showing.

Timmy sighed and made his way to the nurses office.


'Tubbo worked so hard on this too,' Timmy thought as he stared at the broken flower crown.

Timmy decided to walk home before his parents started panicking.


Timmy gasped as he stared at the shorter boy.

Tobbu stared up at him in anger.

"Tell me who the f_ck did this to you," Tobbu growled.

Timmy tried his hardest to not break down into tears.

"N-no one..."


"Welcome home," his mom greeted from the kitchen.

Timmy's mom looked over at Timmy and stared at him in shock.

"Hey mom—"

Mrs. Outtit rushed over to him and examined all the patches up wounds and cuts.

"What happened?"

Timmy stared at the ground with guilt.

"I got beat up at school today, just cause some girl thinks I'm weak..."

Tears started welling up in his eyes.

"I-I should go to my room, don't want to miss any homework," Timmy said as he rushed upstairs.


Timmy laid in his bed, staring up at the ceiling in thought.

'Why does everyone aim for me when they need a toy to play with? It's like I'm the school's little puppet.'

Timmy sighed before flopping onto his side.

'Wait... didn't Jef deal with this before? Maybe I can ask him for help.'

Timmy decided that asking Jef about how he dealt with the bullies would at least bring his mood up a little bit.


"How I dealt with bullies?"



Jef looked down, deep in thought.

"This might sound cowardly, but I never really stopped them, they just got tired of beating me," Jef shrugged.

Timmy stared wide eyed.

"W-wha? But Good—"

"Yeah yeah I know, I tamed him with my homemade cupcakes," Jef chuckled.

Timmy stared at confusion.

'So I can tame them if I bring... food..? Now that just sound like they are animals in a zoo.'

"Well thank you for telling me, I'll talk to you later," Timmy thanked.

"You're welcome, bye!"

Timmy walked away, before bumping right into a wall.



As usual, Timmy once again got thrown onto the floor.

"Sheesh, can't you try a different way instead of throwing me to the ground all the time?" Timmy grumbled.

The brunet heard, staring down at the boy in shock.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, you heard! It's like the only way you know how to beat me."

The brunet growled.

"Look, I'm just here to take out my anger and stress on you! Not deal with your sass!" She yelled.

Timmy stood up and glared at her.

"I don't care! I'm getting tired of this and just want you to stop already!"

The argument went on until both of their throats felt sore.

"See you tomorrow, I guess..."

The brunet watched as Timmy walked away.

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