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Royalty + Genderbent au


"One day, you will become a fine ruler of this land," The servant stated, adjusting the soon to be queen's crown.

Georgina frowned, staring at herself in the mirror. Her baggy eyes were covered in makeup while the dress she wore was tight and uncomfortable, it almost prevented the female from stretching. It was just.. something she hated. As the servant finished up, the two could hear a knock coming from the door.

The door opened slightly, revealing the kingdom's most mysterious poet. She gulped and entered into the room, feeling Georgina's gaze glued onto her.

"Your Highness, the poem you had requested has been finished," Nightmare mumbled, walking over to them.

Nightmare placed the scroll onto the desk, stepping back with her book she always carried tucked beneath her arm. Georgina glanced at it and thanked her.

Before Nightmare was able to leave, the servant placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Why don't you stay? It seems that the princess values you more than you notice," They whispered.

Nightmare cocked her brows, agreeing afterwards. As the two talked, Georgina was busy reading over the poem. Such lovely words were written on the cheap paper.

"Your Highness, you should start heading down to the throne room. The queen and king are still waiting."

"You're right.." She said, standing up and dusting her dress off. "Nightmare, come with me."

Nightmare immediately froze at the mention of her name.

"Y-yes your majesty."

As the servant dismissed themself, Nightmare trotted behind the princess, confused and scared for her life. Not to mention overall worried. It was a few moments before they arrived at the room.


"May the ceremony begin!"

And it started. Georgina sat on her throne, watching as the room filled with music and chatter. Just besides her was the poet, sitting on her own chair. Glancing over at her, Georgina gave a sigh and stood up after a while.

"Follow me," She ordered, walking down the stairs that led up to the thrones.

Nightmare was caught off guard, standing up and quickly following behind her. As the princess led the other to the food table, she grabbed two plates and handed one over to Nightmare.

"Grab as much as you want."

Nightmare thought for a moment, before nodding. The two helped themselves to as much food as they wanted before Georgina grabbed the female's wrist and dragged her out the ballroom. The two then snuck outside to the royal garden, Georgina's favorite place.

Nightmare gasped, admiring the beautiful place. It was slightly dark outside, fireflies and stars starting to light up the area.

"Pretty huh?" Georgina chuckled, sitting down on a bench nearby.

The female dusted off her dress, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before taking a few bites of her food. Nightmare hesitantly walked over and sat next to her, not really eating but staring around. Sometimes, her gaze would be locked on the princess.

Georgina caught her staring and smirked.


"E-eh? It's nothing haha!"

A few moments of silence later, Georgina grabbed a cloth and wiped some of her makeup off. She was relieved that she was able to leave that noisy room. Turning to the other, Georgina scooted closer to her and placed her plate down.

"Say, what's with that book?" She asked.

Nightmare hummed and stared at the object. She sighed and placed it on her lap, her plate now next to her.

"It was a gift.. and something I write in often.."

"May I take a look?"


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