37. Afterparty

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"Well done lads! Y'all absolutely smashed it!" Ben excitedly exclaimed with a proud grin immediately after the boys had returned to the backstage, where Lousie and Ben were waiting for them, after performing their first 1 Direction concert after their hiatus.

"Thanks Ben." Harry, Zayn and Niall replied in unison whereas, Liam smiled and Louis nodded.

"The show was amazing guys! Y'all have became even better!" Lousie said, smiling widely before turning all her attention towards Louis.

"You never fail to amaze me Lou! I knew you were a really good song writer as well as a marvellous singer; every song you've written for One Direction was amazing. But today, I won't hesitate to say that you're not only good but you're the best lyricist I've ever seen. No offence to you guys, Ni, Z, H, Li, but Lou's songs have literally pierced through my heart." Lousie admitted sincerely.

"None taken Lou, I'm infact was about to say the same thing! Tommo did a really good job!" Liam said, Harry and Niall nodded in agreement.

"Seriously Louis, the songs were wonderful." Zayn complimented, genuinely wanting Louis to know that they've really loved his songs.

The whole time when the others were praising him, Louis kept his gaze on the floor, fidgeting uncomfortably with his fingers.
"Thanks." He muttered quietly as a response to their compliments.

Being used to Louis' new persona, none of the boys, Ben or Lousie said anything else that involved him but the boys were sad because Louis didn't belive them.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Niall chirped up, effectively cutting out the tension.

"We should celebrate! Let's go clubbing!"

"Are you sure? I mean, aren't you guys like, tired? Y'all have been performing for more than three hours, that too without any break." Ben said with hesitancy.

"I mean, we are tired but just two hours of clubbing won't hurt, will it? And, we aren't going immediately. Right now, its only 3:25 in the noon, so we'll eat something from any nearby restaurant, then we'll return to our house. We all will take short naps and then, at around 8 pm, we will leave for clubbing and within 10, we'll return home. Alright?" Niall explained his masterplan.

"You had all these planned out  beforehand didn't you? Liam asked, shaking his head fondly.

"Yessssss! I did." Niall replied proudly, with a cheeky grin.
"Now come on! I'm hungry!"

"Obviously, I'm surprised that you survived three hours without whining for food." Zayn said and chuckled when Niall let out an offended 'hey'.

"Come on kids! Let's go. Ben, Lousie, y'all coming?" Liam asked.

"Nah Liam, Lux will be waiting for me. Some other time." Lousie said apologetically.

"Okay, tell Lux we said hi. Ben, what about you?"

"You boys have fun, I have to do something important." Ben replied.

Nodding, the boys waited for their security team to arrive. Once they did, the boys instructed their driver to drive them to a nearby restaurant.


"One plate fish n chips."

"One plate bangers and mash."

"Two sausage rolls."

"One toad in the hole."

Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry ordered their food while, Niall was still fumbling with the menu card, unsure what to order.

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