26. The late late show

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(time skip: interview)

"Action!" The cameraman shouted.

Currently the boys are sitting in the studio of 'The Late Late Show' along with James Corden, camera crew, and a few Management representatives. Some of there fans were also present as audience. They all straightened their postures as the camera started rolling.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO 'THE LATE LATE SHOW'. I'm James Corden, your host and today we have with us our most awaited guests, ONE DIRECTION!" James announced and the audience burst out in applauds and woos.

"Hello." The boys waved and smiled at the fans.

"Okay, so... Boys, it is really good to see you guys together after so many years. To be honest, I was planning to kidnap and put y'all together again, if you hadn't reunited by yourselves." James explained, faking an angry expression. Everyone laughed at that. "So guys, care to elaborate what you guys did in your hiatus? Starting with you Louis, what did you do in these five years?"

"Um, I released a single called 'two of us', uh- it's about my mum. I've collaborated with Bebe Rexa in a song called 'back to you' and other that that, I've been writing a few songs for my debut album." Louis said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Whooo exciting! When do we get to hear your new songs?"

"Hopefully, most of them will be ready by the time the tour starts, so maybe, I can present some of them in our tour concerts."

"That's great Louis. Now, have you been in contact with the other boys in these years?" James asked without any hint of smugness in his voice. In fact he sounded genuinely curious as no one knew what caused 1D to breakup and James wasn't an exception.

All the boys visibly stiffened at the question.

"Um yeah. The boys kept in touch with me in these years and basically they are the inspiration for the songs of my new album." Louis responded, clearing his throat and avoiding eye contact.

"Aw. That's so sweet guys. You all are great friends. I need friends like y'all in my life." James said, faking a hurt tone and imitated flicking away a teardrop from his eyes. The audience laughed loudly at his ridiculous attempt to sound sad and the boys chuckled nervously.

"We'll come back to you Louis so now, Liam, what did you do during your break? What's the best thing that has happened to you during the hiatus?"

"To be honest, the best thing that has happened to me during our break is Bear. I love him so much. Sometimes I just feel like, he was the missing piece of the puzzle of my life. Now that I've found him, everything seems to be perfect." Liam smiled fondly, memorising the times he and Bear had spent together. Everyone in the studio cooed at the honest display of affection and Liam blushed under their gaze.

"Other than that, I've released a few singles like uh, 'strip that down' and 'for you', which is the theme song of 'Fifty shades freed'. Then I released my own album, 'LP1' and currently I'm writing new songs. Might put them in an album together or release them as singles.

Oh and, a few days back, Lou helped me to write a new song.

Louis flushed at the mention of his name and muttered a small "you didn't have to do that".

"That's wonderful. Your turn Zayn. Tell us about your deeds in these five years." James asked, wriggling his eyebrows.

"Well, I didn't do much during our hiatus, other than releasing two albums; 'mind of mine' and 'icarus falls'." Zayn replied, shrugging a bit.

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