12. The meetup

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I am sitting in the said restaurant with Niall and Zayn beside me. We are here before time and currently waiting for Simon, Liam and Louis to arrive. A few moments later, we watched as Simon's car pulled up in front of the restaurant and he got out of it wearing what seems like the only suit he owns. The wrinkly grey one. Walking over to us, he took a sit beside Niall who was eyeing him with a bored expression.

"Hello boys! Long time no see huh? Where are the other two?" Simon asked us, clasping his hands in front of himself.

As if to answer his question, another car pulled up, which I recognised as Management's.

A guard got out of the passenger's door and opened the backdoors for the ones sitting behind to get out of the car.

Liam got out first. God. He's grown so much. He looks more responsible than he already was. He was looking great too. He spotted us from behind the glass door of the restaurant and smiled. Before I could spare anymore glances at him, the guard opened the other door and he stepped out.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" were the words that left my mouth before I could stop them. I looked around to search if anyone's heard me but Niall and Simon had the same facial expression as me and both of them were looking at Louis. Turning towards Zayn, I found him smirking at me, indicating that he had absolutely heard me. I huffed before turning away from him to save myself from further embarrassment.

Looking at Louis, I found him looking extremely hot and walking towards us with Liam beside him. He wasn't looking at us or Liam, rather, he was texting someone. I quickly averted my gaze away from him, feeling a pang of hurt and jealousy along with anger in my heart. He is not even interested in meeting us. I mean, neither am I but atleast he can show some sort of enthusiasm; can't he? Looking over to Niall and Zayn, I knew that they were thinking the same thing.

"Hey lads, hi Simon... How are y'all?" Liam asked politely upon reaching us and taking a seat beside Zayn. We all greeted him back, smiling and appreciating his gesture.

Louis however seemed unbothered. He flopped down on the only seat that was left between Simon and Liam, and continued typing. He wouldn't even spare a glance at us; especially at me.


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"So boys let's come to the point." Simon started, clearing his throat and that's when Louis turned off his phone and looked up at him. My breath hitched. He's changed so much; and maybe not in a good way.

Sure he looks ravishing from distance but since he is sitting so close to me, I can see that his eyes have bags underneath them, his cheekbones are prominent as ever and cheeks are hollow. He seems distant and totally out of whatever discussion is going on.

"Harry you there?" I snapped out of my daze to find everyone's eyes on me, except Louis'. He was blankly staring at the wall behind me.

It was always you ~ L.S. ✅Where stories live. Discover now