3. Liam

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[Continuing from previous chapter. Have a great day besties



"Great!" Louis thought.

He stared blankly at the wall in front of him before his phone rang again.

Incoming call from Li🥄

He and Liam have kept in touch with each other after the band broke up. In fact, he was the only one after his mum who kept up with him after his breakup with him.
Not that he knows about his self harm. Louis also didn't mention the details of his breakup. He just ran to Liam when He kicked him out of 'their' house, accusing him of cheating and told him his side of story. Liam hugged him without questioning him for once. Louis was seriously grateful to have atleast one person in his life to depend upon.

He snapped out of his train of thoughts when the phone started ringing again. He didn't even notice when the call died the first time. So without wasting a second, he accepted the call and was immediately welcomed by Liam's soothing voice.

"Oi tommo! How are ya mate?"

Louis couldn't help but smile at the enthusiasm in Liam's voice. He was really excited to talk to him.

"Hello payno. I'm good!" he lied "what about you"

"Good good. Well I hope you have got the news of our reunion" he asked sympathetically. Louis may not have mentioned about the intensity of his breakup but Liam was not blind. He could see how bad it affected his best mate. Even after so many years, Louis wasn't over Harry. Yes maybe, every month he is seen with a new woman, but Liam knows, Louis still loved Harry. So, he didn't push him that day to spill everything. He just listened to Louis rant about his new contract with modest and how it ended up with his breakup.

"Ya of couse!" said Louis in a 'matter of factly' tone.

"I'm very excited" he said putting on a fake smile.

Though Liam could feel the fake smile, he didn't question it. He knew Louis for a long time and could read him like an open book. It breaks his heart to see him so sad even after so many years. He even tried to get him to date (for real and not for paparazzi) but according to Louis, "I will sort that out myself. I'm dating though!"

He has kept in touch with all his bandmates but there was something that didn't feel good. Whenever he mentioned Louis while talking with Niall, Zayn or Harry, they would simply change the subject, not even acknowledging the fact for once  that Louis was also there in the band with them. Similarly, whenever he asked Louis to join a group call with him and the others, he would show some lame excuse and switch off his mobile for like next few days.

It was tough for Liam to figure out what was wrong. He still haven't been able to figure out what is wrong.
Yeah there maybe some sort of awkwardness between Louis and Harry because of the breakup, which is naturally but that clearly dosent explain the lack of communication between Louis and Zayn or Niall.

Liam didn't bring that up though knowing it would upset Louis and again he will switch off his phone.

Rather, they talked about random stuffs like football games, brands, new music, etc. Louis informed him about the new songs he has written and that he would be putting all those together in his debut album. Though he has already released his single "Two of us", which is about his mum, he didn't release any album unlike the rest of his bandmates.

After chatting for about half an hour, Liam ramdomly asked Louis about his family.

"How is your sister Lou?"

Louis froze. Of course he didn't tell Liam that his family had basically disowned him after his breakup. Well not his mum, it was his sister who didn't want to talk to a 'cheater' who 'cheated on such an innocent soul like Harry Styles', and his father was never in the scene.
She didn't feel the need to know his side of the story and so after his mum's death, he moved out of Doncaster four years ago and haven't returned till date.
Neither did he receive any calls from her, nor did she answer his calls. He lost hope and stopped calling her after a few months and that's what pushed him at the edge; he started self-harming. Not that he feels bad about it, rather, he feels calm; and numb.
So obviously, Louis didn't know about the well-being of his sister. In fact, he didn't know anything about her current state.

"Tommo? You still there mate?"

"I-um uh yeah. I-i'm still here. So what were you asking?"

"I was asking how is your sister, how's Lottie? Haven't heard about her in a while."

"I-uh yeah I mean, sh-she's good. Yeah um. Cool. Really good. Alright Li, I gotta go lad, talk to you later!" and with that Louis hanged up without even giving Liam a chance to reply.

That's another thing Liam noticed about Louis but never brought up. He avoided talking about his sister. This was more confusing because while they were in the band, Louis tend to talk about Lottie all the time and it was really hard to shut him up.

It's not only that he dosent talk about his sister anymore but it seems like he has permanently shut up after that day of ranting and sobbing about his breakup. He hardly talks now. He only answers when Liam calls him and just answers shortly if he's asked something. He dosent know what has happened to 'the Louis Tomlinson'; one of the strongest persons he has known, his bestfriend and his brother. But he's sure he'll find out. He has to find out. Maybe, this reunion will help him to fix the mishaps within the band?
He hopes so.


It was always you ~ L.S. ✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant