19. Mr. Date

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(Next day, breakfast)


Since yesterday, after telling Liam everything that happened between Harry and I, I've been feeling kind of conflicted. I mean, he promised me a thousand times that he won't spill anything but I have hard times trusting people and even with Liam, it wasn't an exception.

Currently I'm in our hotel cafeteria, having brunch with El. The boys invited us on going out with them for brunch but I rejected. I can't act normally with them after these years; it would be awkward and I don't want to create any more problems within the band.

Well I know that I can't blame them, it was my fault anyways but it still hurt. Liam understood the reason behind my decision and didn't push me. Rest of them looked sad and maybe a bit... guilty? I hope Liam don't break his promise.

"Lou you alright?" El's voice snapped me out of my daze.

"Yeah, just-I don't know El, I mean, I kind of, told Liam about our contract and, I just feel that, to be honest, I find it difficult to trust people. So I'm just caught up in my own thoughts, you know! I also gave him a copy of our signed contract. He hadn't seen it though, I've told him to take a look at it only if the situation gets worse. I know he'll not break his promise but I can't relax!" I told El how exactly I feel.

Being the good friend she is, El listened to me intently. She took a bite of her salad before speaking up.

"Don't worry Lou, as far as I've known Liam, he is a great friend and he won't break your trust; ever." She smiled at me.

I returned the smile, trying to believe her words.

"Come on Lou, now don't be grumpy. Smile. Just think that we are only few months away from getting back our freedom. This is April and our contract ends by the beginning of August and after that we'll be free Lou. Free! Completely. No Simon, no Modest; just me and Max, you and-"

"Don't say it El. I mean yeah, we all will be free but that dosent mean that Harry will listen to me. Not that I'm dying without him here, still, I don't want to have my hopes up. I'm just happy that we will be free. Finally. That's it."

Eleanor smiled at me apoligically.
"Everything's gonna be fine Lou."

"Sure." I chuckled sarcastically. "Let's go back to our rooms yeah?"


As soon as we stood up and approached the stairs, I heard a few familiar voices. Turning around, I saw the boys who were passing by the cafeteria while chatting among themselves. They all look excited; especially Harry. They haven't noticed me or El yet.

"Haz let's find you something for your date." Niall piped up.

Oh! Date. Harry has a date. A real one. Good for him. I wish I knew who the lucky guy was and how was he feeling.

Feeling a light tap on my shoulder, I turned around. El was giving me a worried look. I shook my head dismissingly and ran up the stairs as fast as I could.



Sitting in front of my suitcase in my hotel room with a pile of costumes scattered around me, I was freaking the fuck out .

I have a date with Nick today and its 9:30 and I've still not figured out what to wear.
I've dragged Zayn along with me in order to get some help but he's just sitting on my bed and watching me with a bored expression.

It was always you ~ L.S. ✅Where stories live. Discover now