"Light...we don't need to fight...please", I begged, hoping she would understand. "Never let your guard down Rain", she rushed to me and grabbed my arm. I kicked her face, her grip released on me.

"STOP THIS!!!", I yelled, she continued to try and throw hits on me.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!", she screamed, I dodged her attack and stepped back, keeping my distance. "WE DON'T NEED TO FIGHT LIGHT!!", I looked into her eyes, "I NEED HIM TO LOVE ME LIKE HE LOVED YOU!!!", she threw her fist into my face and I fell across the room.

"HE NEVER LOVED ME!!", I yelled as I stood up. Her face fell, "W-what?", she looked at me with confusion. "He never loved me Light", I started to close the space between us, "He turned me into a weapon, for his own selfish reasons...that isn't... love", tears welled in my eyes as realization filled her face.

"You see this scar on my face?", I pointed to my eye, "Someone who loves you...doesn't do that to you", a single tear fell down my face.

"Don't you get it?", I paused, "He never loved anyone...someone like him-...isn't capable of love".

Her eyes were wide, filling with sadness by the second.

"We were weapons for him-tools...something he could control and use when he needed", I reached for her hand slowly, "Don't let him win...be-...better", a single tear fell from her eye. She slapped my hand away quickly.

"Light...please", my voice cracked, tears falling from my eyes. "No! Don't you get it Rain?", she tilted her head to the side, sorrow tinted in her voice.

"I never wanted his approval...", she pushed me and I hit the wall behind me across the room.

She inched closer to me as my body slid to the floor.

"I wanted yours", a sad smile grew on her face. My face fell slowly as I processed her words.

A deep yellow feeling of regret washed over me.

"All I wanted...was my big sister's approval", a single tear fell from her brown eye.

"I wanted you to...see me", she fell to the ground in front of me. "But you never could", she shook her head lightly. "Light...you were always enough", I stared into her eyes.

"I saw you...you just never saw...me", her gaze lifted slowly, her eyes wide.

"What?", her voice faint, "Every time you trained by yourself, I watched you...I watched you grow...I never left your side...you may not have seen me, but I was there Light-...I was always there", tears filled her eyes.

I saw it in her eyes. Both the red and brown one.

All she ever wanted, was to be loved. All she needed was someone to tell her that she was loved, that she wasn't alone.

"I love you Light, I always have...you're my sister...the love I have for you is like no other, the bond...it can never be broken", my voice cracked.

"I thought....maybe you could love me like you used to...even though I'm...", she paused, "Different", her eyes met mine. A sad smile grew on my face.

"I've always loved you Light...I never stopped", tears fell from her eyes and I pulled her close to me. I held her tightly.

"And I never will", I whispered, I held onto her tightly, I'd never let her go again.

"I'll never let you go again...I promise", I held her face and wiped her tears away, "You got that?", she nodded quickly. "I love you so much Rain...I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you", her head fell.

I lifted her head, "It was worth it, to see that smile on your face again...I'd go through it as many times as I need to if I got to see your smile", her smile grew from my words.

I felt the adrenaline wear off slowly, all the pain flooding back like a wave.

"Fuck", my vision became blurred again. "Rain", she said holding my shoulders, "RAIN!!!", she shook me. "I love you...Light", I never felt this weak in my life, it felt like all my bones were broken, all the blood in my body had been drained. This...this felt like deat-

Touya's POV:

"RAIN!!!", I heard her cry out, "Light...", I struggled to get up, she rushed to me.

"What...happened?", I asked her as she dragged me to Rain. "I don't know...I- we were fighting- and then we had a moment and she...she isn't okay- I don't know", she said quickly. I mustered all my strength.

I got up and lifted Rain's body onto my lap. "Touya", a faint smile grew on her face, "Hey baby", I smiled, "I love y...", her words trailed off as she became unconscious.

"Baby, wake up...come on", I slapped her face lightly. "Rain", blood started to fall from the scars under my eyes. "RAIN PLEASE!!!", I cried out in pain.

"Come on wake up", I held her face close to mine, "We're not supposed to be a tragic love story...you said it yourself", blood fell from my scars to her face. "So wake up for me...you have to wake up", I held her head against mine.

"Come on baby wake up, please wake up", I shut my eyes.

For the first time in my life I prayed. To whoever the fuck was up there. I prayed for her to wake up.

"Come on, this can't be the end of us...Rain, baby come on...get up", I couldn't stop the blood falling from my scars. "I'm lost without you, I need you to wake up Rain", my voice cracked.

"Nothing in this world makes sense without you...so wake up for me, okay?", I sobbed as I held her close to me.

"It's us Rain...us against the world...come on baby", I held her body tightly. Shoto kneeled beside Light, "Is she...", "No", I cut him off. "No- she isn't dead- our love story just started...I wont let it end like this", I shook my head quickly. Pain in my eyes when I looked to my brother.

"Touya, just let her-", "I WON'T LET HER GO!!! SHE ISNT GONE!!", I screamed in fear, "She'll wake up any minute- I know it".

"Touya...I'm sorry but...", "Don't Shoto- don't say it- don't fucking say another word!", I snapped, "Touya I think she's gone", Light said quietly.

"SHE ISNT GONE!!- we need more time...we need more time-...she'll wake up...I know it", I said, trying to hide the truth from myself.

"Come on Rain- just wake up for me baby-...I just need you to open your eyes come on", I held her face.

Her skin was pale, hey brown eyes shut. But she was still warm. She was still alive, right? She had to be. I wouldn't accept the alternative. She's fine. She's okay. She's going to wake up and we're all going to laugh about this tomorrow.

"Rain, I know you're still there-please", I begged, blood fell on her face from my scars. I wiped it away quickly, "We're supposed to get married...find a house in the middle of nowhere...we can get a cat- we'll name him Toulouse- just like you wanted", my breathing hitched for a moment, "We need to grow old together-...be boring ass old people- who tell their love story to random strangers...baby please...just open those beautiful eyes of yours", I held her to my chest.

"I won't give up on you- I promised...so don't give up on me...please just-...wake up", I looked to her face, hoping to see any sign of hope. Any sign to keep trying.

Rain's POV:

I felt the same warmth I had before, I looked around me, there were clouds, an ocean ahead of me. I felt weightless, free.

I looked to my side, my mother was there. "Mom", I smiled at her, "Hi honey", she held my hand. "Is this it?", she stood Infront of me. "Death?", she asked, "Yeah".

She looked down then back to me. "Yes honey", a sad smile on her face. "Was I a good person?", I asked her, "The greatest", tears filled her big brown eyes.

"Really?", my voice cracked, "Really", she nodded".

Then thunder struck on the clouds below us. "Oh no", she looked down, "What?". "Well honey, I guess it isn't your time just yet".

 Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dabi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now