Out Da Slave Ship

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...h-hay yawl....im back...


After a long session of denying Zeke answers, he got fed up with your avoidance in answers and left, leaving Pieck to get you prepared to go to a better place of stay.

'Thank god, I thought these niggas was finna leave me in this chair for 40 days like a slave.' You bitterly thought as Pieck stood in front of you.

"I don't wanna have to harm you, okay? So let's make this easy for the both of us, alright?" She spoke to you with her gentle smile that made you feel like she was definitely fluttershy-pilled.

You nodded towards her. You weren't gonna be a dick to Pieck. You didn't recall her being a bad person in any way. Just a little weird and happened to look like she doesn't wash her hair or skirt often.

'I'm sorry girl, Ima chill on you.'

Before doing her job, she grabbed the corner of her jacket and lifted it up to wipe the slob that had ran down your face and neck.

You'd forgotten it was there so you were thankful she cared enough to wipe it off and with her own jacket nonetheless. You uttered a thank you and she nodded before going back to her original task. She leaned over and slowly undid the rope around one of your wrists before reaching in her jacket pocket to pull out some hand cuffs.

'Oh y'all kinky-kinky round here.'

A soft click was heard when she placed it on your wrist before untying the other and doing the same after having your lean forward to place your hands behind your back. You then had to awkwardly sit there as she, almost eagerly, got on all fours to untie your ankles.



She held onto your arm as she escorted you out of the room. Coming out, you looked around and observed where you were. This place almost looked like a nice little house.

But you knew better. You saw people, that looked as if they were meant to be some sort of security measure, start to glare you down. You almost wanted to shrink back into the room.

So bad that you accidentally did take a step back instead of forward with Pieck. She paused and looked back at you, viewing your nervous expression as your eyes darted around.

"Hey, now. Relax. These people aren't necessarily here to hurt you." Oh how sweet, she wasn't gonna blatantly lie to you. You looked her in the eyes, realizing you were damn near the same height before taking a breath and nodding.

She hummed and basically dragged you along behind her through the building. Though, as you walked you saw an upcoming room with an open door. You were a bit curious where everyone was because besides security where you were being held, the place seemed fucking empty.

So of course as you came towards the door, you leaned your head towards it to peak in. Inside you saw...Colt! He was on one knee, talking to his little brother, Falco and you almost cooed.

You loved that boy Falco like you was his damn mama. But if you saw Falco, shouldn't you see Gabi?

There were conflicting feelings about Gabi in your heart. She was an enthusiastic little booger and...you couldn't fault a kid for being raised around bad influences....But you also could not let a child go unbeaten-

( bruh rest in peace John Witherspoon )

You suddenly locked eyes with someone you weren't expecting to see. His hazel eyes looked at you with pure curiosity. It was a quick and fleeting moment but he was intrigued by your knee high boots and your cropped jacket with it's weird insignia of wings with two different colors. But what truly stood out to him was your skin. He rarely ever sees black people so what was one doing in their headquarters? And such a beautiful one at that.

Shaking his head to get his thoughts together, he looked back at the door frame and you were gone.

Hastily getting up, he peaked out down the hall to see the back of you. You were being escorted by Pieck with a set of cuffs on your hands that were awkwardly swaying above your very round as-

"Woah..whaddya think she's being held for?"

Porco jolted a bit at the sudden sound of Colt's voice, his cheeks flushing.

"Aw shit, man! Don't startle me like that.." He chewed out Colt before looking back at you and Pieck's descending figures.

"Uh..I dunno. But it's probably really serious.."

"What's serious?" They heard Falco's small voice interrupt. That was enough to drag them back into the room to wave off Falco's concerns.


You walked after Pieck into a room that looked...almost cozy.

'I'm guessing these niggas don't have prisoners often. This not the slave ship it's posed to be.'

There was a bed in the corner of the room and a dresser with little things on it that you didn't care to look into. You even saw a nightstand with a little furry plush toy next to the lamp upon it.

'wait a damn minute...'

You did a double take at the plush-

"Y/n?" Pieck questioned, moving her hands to unlock your restraints.

You hummed in acknowledgment as you felt the cuffs fall away. You moved your hands to the front of you to look at them before rubbing your wrists.

Moving your gaze back to Pieck, She continued, "Thank you for not making it a hassle. You'll be here until Zeke comes to update you. I'll be locking the door from the outside so I hope you don't have to use the bathroom." You nodded to her and she stepped out of the room,

"And try not to make a mess in here, please." With that she shut the door and you heard the click of a lock.

You immediately looked around the room again out of curiosity but your eyes landed on the ugly furry plush again and you walked towards it before picking it up.

"This thing looks so fucking familiar..." you mumbled before sitting it back down and snooping around the place more. It looked pretty bare at first but after your search around, you realized this place was obviously being inhabited by someone.

There were clothes in the drawers, jackets in the small closet on the side, and there were a few books on top of the dresser you weren't interested in earlier. But you were interested in the jackets. It looked like the uniform jackets you saw almost every Eldian in Marley wear in the anime.

Quirking a brow, you went back to the drawers and decided to go deeper into them. And you found exactly what you were looking for, the sash that Eldians were forced to wear on their arm.

The only problem was that it wasn't a piss yellow or bland grey.

It was bright fucking kool-aid red.

Then it all made sense.

This was Zeke's fucking room.

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