//Training Years 3//

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You were sparring with Reiner today. You didn't enjoy the sparring shit because it gave you flashbacks to your original universe and how whenever your friends fought you were the first one to yell, "NIGGA WE JUMPIN-" before getting involved immediately. (Yall this ain't never happen to me but I always be wishing it would PLEASE-) Moving on. You lowkey wish you'd gotten Connie or some shit as a partner because....REINER IS A BIG BOY. This nigga land a hit on yo ass and that's yo WHOLE LIFE. GONE. IN A FLASH.

You awkwardly swung for him and watched his burly ass evade your attack before swinging himself. Thank the fucking lord you were smaller than him cause you barely dodged his hit. 'DAMN. REINER THROWIN THEM HARD BITCHES?? FUCK DID I DO TO HIM?' Your time with him continued for a bit before you FINALLY GOT A SWIFT HIT ON THIS MAN. Before you could even cheer though, here come another hard bitch from Reiner and it actually got you and you slipped backwards before falling on your BACK. NOT EVEN YOUR ASS.

You didn't have your hair tied up because it fell out of it's bun while you were trying to evade Reiner. So you sat, laid out on the ground like a bitch nigga with your hair sprawled out around you. You were shocked cause you didn't think it'd hurt that bad, before you teared up and clenched your eyes shut. 'Oh my god Y/n this such a bitch move. How you gon cry after one lil hit....but that shit HURTED....'

Opening your eyes, you're met with a sorry looking Reiner sporting a sincere frown on his lips. You felt your tears fall down the side of your face and touch your ears before you sat your self up, uncomfortable with the feeling of wet ears.

"Y/n right? Sorry about that. I thought I was holding back enough. " Reiner said, sticking his hand out to you to help you up. You looked at his hand and let a thought pass your mind. 'Nigga you better not have beat my ass cause you thought as a black woman I'd be strong enough to handle it you racist sexis-' Gripping his hand, you got up and let that thought die. It was your first impulsive thought at a big ass white guy taking you down. But this was Reiner, your sweet, brotherly, traumatized warrior, so you let it go.

"Yeah, and you're Reiner, I think? It's fine...Really hurts though." You let out in a lighthearted tone. You didn't want to make things awkward but you did want him to feel guilty for that one-hit ass whoopin. You was dodging them hoes like you dodge yo mama belt and still got caught up.

He smiled and pulled you into him before picking you up bridal style. Now this....THIS, set you off. Your eyes widened and you looked at him in pure confusion. "Whatchu doin-" you questioned, your code switching failing you in your state of panic. Reiner promptly ignored you and went towards the instructor with you in his arms.

"Excuse me, I've injured my partner and I think they need medical attention." He formally said with a serious look in his face while you stared at said instructor with your duped ass face. Guess you looked delirious cause the instructor let Reiner escort you to some infirmary place.

In the infirmary, Reiner sat you on the cot they had before standing tall and looking down at you.

"What exactly hurts?" he asked normally as if he didn't just RANDOMLY take you to an infirmary over a tiny comment.

"My uhm..my arm's throbbing..?"

"I'm sure they have some ointment for that." He says before looking through the supply cabinet and finding something for you. This shit was not making sense to you. Reiner is so weird....but you're guessing it's his big brother soldier persona that's got him suddenly taking care of you like it's nothing. You were pretty sure he didn't have his split personality yet because training just started or whatever. 'WAIT...WHAT IF HE'S LIKE...ONLY BEING NICE TO ME CAUSE HE THINKS I'M FROM THE OUTSIDE??' You suddenly started shaking as your anxiety started to rise. Reiner came near you with the ointment and looked at you expectantly.

After taking a second to understand what he wanted, you took your jacket off and pushed your sleeve up, showing your arm to him as you trembled. He picked up your arm by your wrist and paused for a moment, running his thumb up and down your wrist. 'Please don't have a hand fetish. Please don't have a hand fetish. Pl-'

"Sorry if this is weird to say but- your skin is really soft. Kinda shocked me a little bit but I guess you are a girl right?" He laughed it off and continued to put ointment on your arm. But you side eyed him at his words. Rhetorical question, you know, but something was sexist about that and you had to say it.

"What does me being a girl have to do with it? Anyone can be soft!" you tried to be lighthearted with it but the feminist in you had your eyes slicing his ass UP. You didn't really care about the sexist undertones of his comment in particular but he just whooped yo ass and now he callin' you soft? UHN UHN. You felt like he was tryna give you the Christa treatment and as fine as he was, you wasn't no docile lil white girl that was gon let him make you his little wife...'Wait that sounds kinda goo- NO.' You didn't wanna be soft right now. Right now you wanted to be a real ass nigga. You're a soldier in training.

He laughed you off and nodded in understanding. "Yeah, you're right my bad." with a stern look, you nodded with a humph. 'Yeah yo bad. Don't mess with me boy' You felt like you put him in check but really nothing happened and he just didn't think he needed to argue with you.

After rubbing up your arm he purses his lips and speaks. "Do you know Marley?" You almost froze but immediately coaxed yourself into acting natural. Obviously you weren't from there but if you weren't from the outside and it's lowkey obvious you're not from the inside, what would your explanation even be.

"Who's Marley? I don't talk to a lot of the girls here.." you said with feigned confusion. Lying was beginning to get easier but you never ceased to get scared when something unexpected happened. Sweat started building up at your armpits already.

"Never mind. If you don't know her then it doesn't matter." He laughed off before sitting on a chair near the cot you were resting on. It was gonna get awkward after that and you assumed he was using this first aid time as a green light to skip training. So you did what you knew you had to do...SOCIALIZE.

"So, where are you from Reiner?" you said, immediately regretting it because he brought up Marley already and this would probably make you suspicious to him. But fuck it.

"No where important. What about you?" he answered kinda standoffish. Now you get why but damn. Now it was your turn to evade.

"I'd rather not talk about my hometown either...Sorry for bringing it up."

"Sounds like it was amidst the attack...?" he said with a questioning tone. You looked away silently. Fuck could you say to that? You didn't wanna lie about something like that..Plus it'd give him a reason to stay on your ass and you didn't need that.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to pry. Let's talk about something else alright?" he backed off at your silence. "How's training so far? I'd say it's going well besides the fact they feed us pig shit."

You stifled a giggle and turned to him. "Training's alright but yeah, they're definitely giving us cow piss soup and moldy ass bread." You saw him smile at your description of the food.

"Foul mouth huh? I should've known, you look like the type to curse up a storm when prompted." You nodded with a friendly grin at his words.

"Yeah, I can fuck a bitch up too....don't use our sparring for reference." you joked with Reiner back and forth like this for a while before a bell rang to dismiss the sparring activity. He helped you up and escorted you to the barracks before parting ways with you. After joking around with him for about an hour, you truly wished you didn't know how this story would end.

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