//Training Years 1//

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I already know you tired of this gay ass font. It's okay I just wanna clarify these are like little drabbles of shit that happened over the 3 year training course. Training years will be in random parts at random times of this series. So when i post training years 2 don't be like omg wtf this isn't in order cry baby dookie emoji. I probably got tired of following the story and wanted to put in some light-hearted scenario. I'm writing these scenarios in bulk and i might just post them whenever i don't feel like writing the actual story. i still wanna give u guys negro reader x aot content yaknow


After Sasha helped you figure out how to acquire Regiment Funds by doing jobs around the training site, you finally made your way to a different district to buy some essentials. You needed a guide though, so you had the luck of going on your trip with Armin.

Armin took you to Trost District and took you around to different stands and stores. You asked to visit a store for 'Lady stuff', since you had no idea what they had here, and he gladly took you. 'What a sweet heart' you thought as you entered a very clean looking shop.

Glancing around you saw makeup and creams and powders and in a small corner there were toiletries and delicates for women. (You know that make up was just white powder for white women. roll eyes emoji) Your face fell into a menacing frown. 'I haven't gotten my period yet but bitch I SWEAR TO GAUD...if they don't have pain killers or SOMETHING for it, I'm just gonna kill myself.' You weren't gonna buy any pads or whatever they have because they're supplied in the shower room in the barracks. Turning to Armin you smiled, "Thank you for taking the time to get me here. I don't know what I would've done without you."

Armin nodded with a small grin. Little did you know, he was actually warming up to you so easily because you were so different from everyone else. Both of his close friends knew of his fascination with the outside of the walls but no one ever knew the extent he'd go to pursue what he wished to see. (Obviously he's going far cause he finna join the suicide squad to see some sea shells pooh...) He was genuinely trying to befriend you but he also read about 'your people'. Or at least what he assumed to be your people. He read about darker skinned people from the outside. (Sorry light skins i feel like im shittin on yall omg.) There wasn't a lot of information on them but the book stated things about them originally being from places with hot climates and having interesting, cheerful customs. You also seemed as if you were having a hard time adjusting and were confused about everything Armin considered common sense. Considering you were apparently a rare sight for all and he'd never personally seen a darker person before, everything leads to you being from outside the walls. He was prepared to be disappointed though. How could you have made it inside? How did your people survive titans? Have you seen the ocean? He didn't enjoy what he was doing to you but he was ready to use you to satisfy him with answers of the outside.

After searching around for things you could afford with the shit Funds you had, you settled on a 'few' things. You got the most natural body cream you could find. It was expensive so you decided then and there you'd only lotion up your knees, elbows, and hands. No matter what, you was NOT finna be ashy. You'd gotten a small bottle of sunflower oil for your face cause you did NOT trust no body cream on ya face and skin care was important to you. You couldn't find any shea butter, coconut oil, or anything of course cause I mean- do you remember where you are? You also got a toothbrush, a few pairs of panties, and some socks cause your current ones had dirt on em at the moment. You didn't think of a bra because you were very free the mf nipple and you assumed any form of bra from this time period was uncomfortable as fuck. Lastly, you bought two satchels. One was to hold your stuff in the barracks and one was for you to carry around and go on missions with.

After paying for your shit and splitting your items into your two satchels. You handed a satchel to Armin. "Can you carry this one while I carry the other? I'll take it back when we make our way back."

"Of course, I don't mind Y/n." He agreed and carried the other satchel. You both left the store and before you could get far, you stopped and pulled at Armin's sleeve.

"Hey, can you take me to a stand with like..." you hesitated. You don't know what kind of fruit and food they had here considering they were feeding their trainees dog shit for breakfast and dinner. "...Fruits or something?"

Armin's face twisted into a confused expression. He was working in his mind why you'd hesitate over a question like that. "Uhm, there's a fruit stand but they don't have the ripest fruit usually...You'll have to pay more if it's super fresh." His brain got even more puzzled at you perking up over his words.

"That's gucci! I'm assuming I pay less if it's rotten or bad?"

"...goo chee?" You froze at his questioning. 'Aw shit..bitch you slip up ONE time and it's in front of the smartest fuck to ever live.' Trying to play it off you let a chuckle out and swatted at Armin's shoulder.

"Apologies! I always say random words cause I think its uhm- funny.." you trailed off at the end of your sentence, realizing how stupid you sounded trying to lie to such a smart boy. Thankfully though, he ran with it!

"....Alright..heh..i think I get it." Bullshit. He was on to you. He knew you were either very eccentric or have different customs than the people here. He was counting on the latter. "Wait..why are you happy about rotten fruit?" He questioned.

"Oh! I'm not eating it, I need it for a hair mask!"

"Hair mask?"

"O-Oh 'FUCK' uhhh...where I'm from, we use fruits and other natural ingredients to make mixtures to put in our hair to help it stay healthy." You feel like you made a mistake by using the phrase 'where I'm from' because Armin's eyes lit up and his face looked so warm and inviting in that moment.

"Really? Could you explain more?" He persisted while ushering you to follow him to get from in the middle of the walk way for pedestrians. You followed and the back of your neck felt sweaty cause you felt like you were spoiling him with the info you were about to spill.

"Well...we usually get natural things like different plants, fruits, vegetables, and oils, mush and mix them up until it makes a paste basically." You raised your hands and started parting your passion twists in sections, for example. You hoped your roots weren't growing out too fast. "We section our hair and comb the paste through our entire head. We leave it in for about 30 minutes or more before washing it out and boom! Our hair has gained some essential love and care from the treatment.." You finished your explanation and looked Armin in the eyes again just to see him looking at you like Hange looks at a titan. His cheeks were slightly flushed and he looked engaged like he was reading a good book. You felt your face heat up, thanking the gods you couldn't blush, and you awkwardly laughed. "That's about it.."

Armin exhaled through his nose and tried to calm his grin down as he nodded. "That's really interesting Y/n! I'd love to hear more about what your people indulge in." He looked up at your hair again, pausing. "But..that's a lot of hair. You do it all by yourself?"

Smirking, you pulled up the long sleeve on your blouse and flexed your right arm, showing off your hard jacked ass muscles from doing your hair all by yourself. "Sweet boy, I've been doing this solo my whole life. I can handle myself like a big girl." you were joking but little did you know you kinda made Armin's heart flutter. Sure he's been around Mikasa's strong ass his whole life but seeing your strong figure in contrast to your cute joyful face was completely different. Probably because you called him 'Sweet boy'.....It was definitely because you called him 'Sweet boy'. He didn't even wanna mention how he couldn't comprehend how ripped you were when you flexed but as soon as you stopped, you arm looked just as soft and delicate as it always has.

"Also this isn't the real length of my hair."

"Huh?! It's longer?!" He immediately asked in surprise.

"Nah, it's shorter." You giggled at how confused and lost he looked at the new information. "Don't worry about how. I'll show you sooner or later during our training." And with that you and Armin continued your shopping trip before heading back and parting ways.

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