The Talk

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After the meeting ended, everyone but Levi and Erwin had left so you hung behind.

Not before arguing with Eren that you were fine without him and talking to them was something you'd need to do alone.

'Damn you act like I'ma be enslaved the moment you leave.'

Pursing your lips, you thought to yourself that, that wouldn't be that b-


With a soft cough, you sat in between the two men and smacked your hands on the table.

"Hello, gentlemen. I have a proposition."

A chuckle from Erwin wasn't what you were expecting, "Well, Y/n, lay it on us then."

"I'm glad you're willing! Unlike poopy pants over here." You rolled your eyes and fake whispered your complaint before giggling to yourself. You didn't understand why everyone was so tense with these two. But then again you're from the 2000's...not 800's. Different culture you guessed!

"Get to it, Y/n." You heard Levi usher with an annoyed tone.

"Right. Right. Hmm...It's very simple. I cannot enact the plan with you guys tomorrow! As you can see," You waved a hand all over your face. " I am blind. No glasses. Just eyes."

"That doesn't-"

"AHT. AHT." You cut Levi off. " Also! I believe I should be reassigned to uhm.." You paused, not really knowing what the others were doing. "Miche! I want him to watch over me instead of Levi now! Yes. This makes sense. Allow it. now....please!"

You stopped your ranting before making eye contact with a grumpy Levi and a perplexed Erwin that was giving you a fake smile to ease you.

Levi spoke first, "And why the hell am I not fit to watch over you now? You can't handle me anymore?" He inquired with a bored look. Though he was actually bothered with you specifically requesting to be switched into someone else's care.

"Aw, don't take it so personal, Levi! I just think I'm of no use watching over anymore.. Sure I did appear out of thin air and I cant explain any of it and I showed you that thing...BUT. I'm not like Eren. I don't have some special ability that you can use against titans...I'm oddity."

Erwin listened intently before speaking instead of Levi. "I'd say the fact that you're an oddity that appeared from thin air is an asset itself. If we leave you in Hange's care instead of Miche's, we could most definitely find use for you in the field. There's more to you than what meets the eye, Y/n. I know it." He gave a well practiced smile as if he didn't basically say he can make you some test subject instead if you don't wanna be with Levi.

'Levi's really a saving grace, huh. Though, I doubt Hange would kill me..on purpose.'

"And despite how sly you think you were, I'm also interested in the thing you showed Captain Levi." Erwin added in.

'Aw shit..You dumb dumb, people have different levels of information on you.'

With a sigh, you fluffed your puff balls in a stressed frenzy.

"Its so hard to play god when you sit amongst many others." you said to yourself.


"Okay.. Okay. Check me out, big man! How bout you just..let me sit this mission out since I'm of no use to it when I can't see or turn into a titan."

Erwin quirked an eyebrow at your pleading.

"Sounds like you're avoiding this specific mission for some reason, Y/n."

You pursed your lips at the blonde man and looked elsewhere.

"And...what if I am? Will you feel bad for me and let me sta-"

"No." Levi intercepted, "There's obviously something about this mission that's making you want to sit it out. Spit it out already."

Frowning, you looked at the table and drummed your fingers before coming up with something that could possibly work.

"Uhm..Okay- I know this sounds very childish to you both at your big ages.." you started, avoiding eye contact, "But me and another soldier are uhm...we're romantically involved. I'd like to avoid them at all costs please and this is my one chance to get away from them!" You looked up at the both of them with the best puppy dog eyes you could muster.

Erwin had a confused squint on his face while Levi had and unimpressed expression.

"So you and Eren got into a couple's spat?" Levi flat out assumed.

"NOW HOLLUP! Who said it was EREN?" You argued.

"He's the one you've been with this entire time, Y/n."

"NU UH-"

"Erm- Y/n, I think-"

"WAIT, ERWIN! Before you take his word for it- WHAT IF IT'S LEVI I'M TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM AND HE'S LYING TO MAKE IT SEEM LIKE IT'S EREN AND THIS IS ALL SUPER CONVENIENT FOR HIM TO KEEP ME NEXT TO HIM DURING OUR COUPLE'S SPAT!" You spit out the worst accusation you've ever made in your life and suddenly felt your puff ball being grabbed and then your head being dragged.

"FUCK- HEY- LEVI!" You cursed.

Levi held a murderous grip on your nappy ball of hair and gave you the death stare of a lifetime, his face flushed in absolute embarrassment.

"Take that back, Y/L/N."

'Damn, he used my last name on me..that ain't right. I thought we was LOVERS!'

"Okay, Okay! Let go, please!!"

He let go and you caressed your stretched out puffball before looking at Erwin, "See! He's abusing me already! You gotta let me stay back or it'll get wor- "

Once again, you were dragged by the puffball and it hurt even WORSE. You whined and clawed at Levi's strong hand gripping your hair.

He smacked your hand away and make you look at him but before he could utter a word, Erwin spoke, "Alright. Alright. You can stay back."

Snapping his head towards Erwin, Levi stared at him like he was a mad man.

"Do you seriously believe this little shit?"

A deep chuckle leaves Erwin's lips, "Absolutely not. But the performance was fun enough to warrant her what she wants. Besides, it neither aids or hurts the mission for her to stay here at base. "

With that, Levi let your ponytail go and smacked his lips before getting up and walking off. Not before muttering, "You're not even my type."

Forcing yourself to forget your aching scalp, you forced a giggle out before looking towards Erwin.

"Thank you, sir!"

"No need to be so formal. Weren't you calling me Erwin a moment ago as if we've known each other for years?"

Covering your mouth in shock, you apologized profusely before he put his hand up to stop you.

"It's fine, Y/n. I can see you're quite different and don't abide by the same customs as us. Just don't slip up around someone important and you'll be well off."

With that, he stood and almost pet your head before opting to help fix your puffball a bit instead and walking off to the exit.

"Pack up and get some rest. Breaks are a rare occurrence in this field."

And then he was gone. Leaving you to smile at your interaction with the two of the people who ran this place like hell.

'Y/n always gets her way. WE PLAY GOD IN THIS REALM ONCE AGAIN!'

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