Settling into prison

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Zeke left you to your devices in the showers as he went to "scavenge" as he put it. You had awkwardly washed yourself (and your itchy ass scalp) before pulling your hair back into the neatest ponytail you could and wringing it out like a bunny tail. That left you waiting in a towel for Zeke to come with clean clothes.

After about 10 minutes of you day dreaming about making out with Jean once you got back to him.....if you got back to him, you heard a knock on the door of the showers before it cracked open and a hand appeared with a folded set of clean clothes.

"You can thank Pieck later."

You hummed and took the clothes from his hand while staying out of sight of the crack.

What? Zeke ain't allowed to see no booty till he stop being a HATER.

You took a second to whine about how ashy you felt before making sure you were dry enough to put on...

"Aw...Pieck.." you gushed at the light pink almost princess-like nightgown she'd given you with frilly white socks. This didn't seem her style at all so you chalked it up to her getting it from somewhere else. In that case you'd seriously have to thank her. It's so cute. You held up the dress and saw some panties and a bra slip out. Your mouth made a thin line at the bra.

That shit looked way too uncomfortable and the ruffles on the nightgown would hide your chest anyways so you opted to wear the panties only before slipping everything else on and drying your hair one last time.

After that you put "your" bra and dirty clothes together before plopping it on top of the towel and carrying it out to meet with Zeke.

Coming out to face Zeke made you feel embarrassed as fuck and for good reason. He was in his stupid uniform and you looked like someone's dumb child that got lost on their way to their parent's room.

"Look's like someone's ready for bed."

"Hey, you brought the clothes here, not me." You spat before walking past him towards where you believed his room to be. It was pretty obvious you weren't gonna try to escape for the mean time. You're tired, starving, you just cleaned your ass, and you didn't know the directions of ANYTHING. You weren't that dumb now.

You both make it back to Zeke's room and you set your things in a little spot only to see a bunch of blankets and a pillow on the floor in a makeshift bed.

'This nigga was serious about me sleeping on the floor...awl naw.'

But before you could whine, you smelled sumn GOOD.

You looked over to see some corn, mashed potatoes, and what you thought was...a pork chop?

Turning to look at Zeke, you immediately took back everything bad you've ever said about him.

"ah...thank you. So much..." You said breathlessly. You ain't never been so happy to see a decent meal.

'I hope Niccolo ass made this cause then I know this shit gon be GOODT.'

"Help yourself. I take good care of my prisoners." He joked to himself, but you weren't even listening as you grabbed your plate and silverware and sat on the makeshift bed before eating.

Usually you were a little embarrassed to eat in front of new people but you was DESPERATE AS HELL. You didn't know just how hungry you were.

Zeke on the other hand grabbed his own plate and sat in his respective bed to eat while watching you. This was...strange. He didn't think this often but, you were fucking adorable. Your fluffy little bunny tail hair, the frilly night gown, and your eagerness to eat good food. You just...looked so gentle and pure in a way. Like you weren't spouting crazy shit as he took you from the walls to Marley. Like you weren't spitting insults about him and his personal life just hours ago.

When he got out of his thoughts, you two were just quietly eating until each of you finished.


You sat down the half empty glass of water Zeke had gotten you. That meal was like a god send in this world. Praise whoever made it.

With a sigh you turned to Zeke, who had finished way before you, reading one of his books. The cover looked bland and ugly so you didn't pay it any mind. Instead you crawled under your covers and got comfortable before resting your head on your towel covered pillow. Yeah. Your hair was still moist as hell.

And soon enough you found yourself snoozing away.

Zeke had noticed you a few moments later when he didn't sense your unintentional erratic movement. A chuckle left his lips before he folded his current page in his book and shut it. He placed it on his dresser before getting up and getting some pajamas out so he could take his own shower before bed.


After his simple nightly routine, he quietly snuck back into his room to see you still dead asleep but with a grumpy expression on your face, in a different position.

'Hm..Must be a nightmare.' He though to himself as he looked down at you. 'Or maybe the floor's just really uncomfortable for her.' It's almost like he fought with himself as he stood over your unconscious form.


A small hum left your lips as you turned under your blanket to snuggle more into your pillow. It faintly smelled of cigarette smoke so you shuffled a bit more in place before resting again.

"Well, maybe she's just a fussy lady." Zeke complained quietly to himself as he took in your shuffling form above him, on his bed.

He was right, the floor was uncomfortable as fuck.

sucked in || aot x black readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz