2 gay niggas kissing ?

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You woke up to a broken sob. It was as if the person crying couldn't breathe properly. You also felt a heated spot on your chest as your eyes adjusted to the darkness of the covered wagon and realized you were now positioned sideways.

Looking down you saw the big and mighty Eren sobbing into your shirt like a child to their mother. One hand balled into a fist grabbing your shirt, the other wrapped around your waist like he was scared you'd disappear.

Wincing at the pressure on your wound, you chose to ignore it and shuffled a bit to reach and run your hand through Eren's hair.

Whispering softly, you tried to comfort him, "Hey...Hey. I'm here, ok? Breathe."

A stuffy sniff was heard before he toned his sobs down into whimpers and pulled away from your chest slightly. You looked him in the eyes with a concerned frown adorning your lips as you moved pieces of his hair away from his face, tucking them behind his ear. He stared back looking defeated.

"In. And out." You instructed his breathing and even gave him an example with an encouraging smile to calm him down. He repeated after you a few times and his whimpers left and he was stuck with a slightly quivering lip.

"Now...you wanna talk about it, buddy?" You asked, moving your hand down to rub at his back to make sure he stayed calm, in case it was something triggering that happened while you were asleep.

That's when you heard yelling outside of the safe covered wagon you were in and broke eye contact with Eren.

"Give us some answers, damn you! We have a right to know!"

A grown ass man was yelling and your eyebrows knitted together as the cogs started turning in your brain. Where were you? What arc is this?

Guess Annie really did a number on you without even trying.

"How many lives were lost on this mission?"

A woman asked, hostility in her throat.

"That.." He mumbled, voice raspy and tired. You looked back at him and raised your hand from his back to his, now drying, cheek. You could feel how hot his face was and assumed it was from crying so hard.

'Fuckin' assholes...'

You leaned in and rested your forehead onto Eren's and looked him in the eyes.

"The deaths that happened today, are not your fault." Your eyes hardened with frustration as you looked the boy in the eye. "Its no one's fault but the titans and the asshole behind the Female Titan. These people are ignorant to that." Seeing the outcome of Annie's actions completely overshadowed any dark past or reason she had to do it. You were witnessing real life suffering and pain and the aftermath of so much devastation.

You couldn't forgive her while she was still running around committing to her role as a warrior.

"Do you really think that?"

He looked at you like you were his one hope in the world. Every word you said would change his mindset.

"I wouldn't speak it if I didn't believe it."

You confirmed your beliefs and with a sigh, you closed your eyes, leaving your foreheads touching. It was kind of relaxing and brought peace while you heard random screams and shouts of anger at a group of people risking their lives to do some fucking good.

"Y/n." You heard Eren speak, more confidently than he looked a few moments ago.

He'd loosened his grip on you a while ago and moved the hand that was on your back, up to the back of your neck.

Opening your eyes, you saw him pull away from you a bit with flushed cheeks before angling his head.

"Uh- yeah?" You questioned him, bordering confusion at his actions.

"Thank you.." He barely whispered before using the hand on your neck to guide you into a very amateur kiss.

Your eyes could've popped out their sockets at that moment, while his eyes were closed, eyebrows knitting together, putting his heart into the kiss. You were special. He needed to get it right.

Snapping out of your shock, you hesitantly closed your eyes and reciprocated the kiss as best you could.

You felt his breathing through his nose as he pressed his lips onto yours and separated slightly before pressing his lips back to yours again at a slightly different angle.

Now...you weren't a stranger to kissing but you were a very anxiety ridden mess when it came to actual romance so, you nervously moved your hand from his cheek just for him to grab your hand and interlock your fingers with his.

You damn near squeaked into the kiss out of surprise and that's when he finally pulled away. It felt magical to him. He never wanted to part from you.

He stared at you with curious eyes. He wanted to see how you felt about it. It was out of the blue...He wasn't planning it. His body just..did it.

You on the other hand were spaced out and fucking flustered.

'Thank fucking heavens I'm too black for blush to be seen.'

Coming back to, you looked at you and Eren's interlocked fingers before looking at him staring at you as your mouth hung open.


"Can I do it again?" Eren interrupted you with a rushed question before licking his lips out of anticipation.

"W-Woah now..I gotta process this f-first..." You weren't really one to get typically shy and stutter-y but not only did Eren fucking Yeager KISS YOU, BUT HE WAS ASKING TO DO IT AGAIN AND REFUSING TO LET YOUR HAND GO. You were about to lose yo damn cool.

"What's there to process?" He got near your face again, "I like you. I want to kiss you again.." He started confidently before looking away.

"Yeah but..." You sucked in a breath and remembered his crying and sniveling a moment ago and decided not to bring up how cruel the world is right now. He was happy. You were making him happy.

And...this was making you happy as well.

"Yeah...you can kiss me again."

Not even a moment after you finished your sentence, you felt his hand firmly grip yours again as he leaned in to give you a kiss way more practiced than the first one and WAY more passionate.

He knew what he wanted. He wanted you. He wanted to kiss and hold you and protect you....No. He wanted to fight along side you. He wanted to cheer you on like you would him. He wanted to make you as great as you made him.

You on the other hand were a bit confused. You definitely liked Eren. But.. You were previously in a world where you couldn't have him. You liked A LOT of people from this universe...world? You didn't even know where you were. You knew everyone's backstories and motivations and you liked certain people because of that. But now...Now there was a possibility they could harbor feelings for you as well. You never even considered that. This world is terrible. And- You were too different. It wasn't like the fanfictions, everyone would be fascinated with you immediately and you'd have a harem of guys and girls fighting for you.

But right now, the main character was literally kissing you like you're his bride to be.

Right now...you were happy. It felt good. Being wanted and liked. You're indulging in it. You can sort whatever else out later. Right now was a reward for surviving as best as you could out there.

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