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In the blink of an eye, you looked behind you again and Annie was caught in Erwin's trap. And she was getting further and further behind you as you and the squad, excluding Levi, continued to ride out.

"An Abnormal..? She's more like...The Colossal Titan.." Eren muttered in disbelief.

'Wouldn't hurt to give him early information...'

"uh- Yeah, I noticed that too Eren...I know this might sound crazy but I think she's like y-"

"Hey! Snap out of it, runts!" Oluo chewed you both out for forgetting you still weren't safe.

"You can puzzle it out later! Right now, we need to focus on pushing ahead." Petra intercepted to let you both know you're not in the clear yet.

'Well damn, I fuckin' TRIED.'


Standing on thick tree branches, you listened to Eren complain. You, for one, wanted to rest a bit although you were still clearly on alert because you knew the outcome of this shit. Annie's gonna escape.

"So that was the plan from the start? We weren't flying by the seats of our pants?!"

Raising a hand at Eren and giving him a face that told him to lower his tone, he puffed up his chest at you in a pouty manner.

"Look. I get keeping it from me and Y/n! But come on! Keeping you guys in the dark? Don't you think they'd trust you a bit more than that?"

"Damn, you're annoying." Oluo remarked with an irritated frown.

"I hope you're not suggesting the captain kept the plan from us because he thinks we're a liability?!" Petra exclaimed.

"NO! He is not." You pitched in, glaring at Eren. 'You better be nice before these niggas get killed for you, lil' boy.'

Folding his arms, he turned his head away from you. "I'm sorry, but I AM. There's just no other way it makes sen-"

Cutting into his view, you stared at him with the passion of a mama boutta whoop her son after she see his shit report card.

"Instead of whining over being confused, maybe yo ass could be THANKFUL you didn't get captured and NOBODY FROM OUR SQUAD DIED. NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS A CLEAR CUT ANSWER. WE JUST GRADUATED-"

"I hate to say it but he's got a point." Eld calmly pitched in and like a police dog you snapped your head to him and turned your nose up at his ass too. Ain't nobody tell his ass to agree with Eren goofy ass. You were doin' ya black thing of putting the sense in Eren head before you beat it into his ass. AND you wanted to quickly state your idea on how to confuse Annie so MAYBE, SOME PEOPLE DON'T DIE.

"If you think about it all, this means he doesn't trust us....That's kind of a big deal. Think about why. " Eld continued his thoughts.

"A spy! That's..." You quieted yourself realizing it was weird that you randomly spouted that as soon as you remembered what Eld was trying to convey. With a quiet cough you continued, " what you mean...right? There's someone hidden among us that's a Titan spy. That's why a select few people knew the plan." With a hum and a nod to yourself, you finished your claim while looking Eld in his face.

"Nice one rookie, you're smarter than you seem." He complimented with a small grin.

'I'm taking this as him calling me a dumb spear chucking nig-'

"Ya hear that snivel-drop?! There's a good reason." Oluo chewed out the green eyed boy. You nodded towards Eren with an apologetic smile. Never did you mean to get mad at the boy and treat him like shit but he doesn't understand until you cram the words into his head forcefully.

"It all adds up...Wait. Do you think they got in through the Shiganshina incident?"

Petra questioned before Eld confirmed her suspicions.

"Possibly...and they may have killed Sawney and Beane."

"I think you are both 200% correct. That being said..Don't you think we should get the hell outta here since someone's in that titan and there's a CHANCE...JUST SAYIN' A CHANCE- That she could break the fuck outta those restraints and murder us." You pitched in like you didn't know that's exactly what happens.

Staring at you in shock, everyone blinked themselves back into reality before Oluo spoke, "You've made sense up until this point, My dear. Unfortunately, we need orders if we are to leave this here forest. Even if what you're saying is a possibility."

A pure frown graced your lips and you sighed before adjusting your glasses. 'Smart people always adjust their glasses.'

"Well. May I suggest....A plan B...Just to be safe!" You proposed. Look you were hell bent on keeping yourself AND everyone else safe considering, from what you understood, EREN IS THE MERCH WANTED.

That's when Eren pitched in, "Y/n...Excuse me for sounding accusing but, you've been saying weird things all day." His face had been carved into doubt as you, in a comedic fashion, looked away with your hands behind your back and rocking back and forth.

"First, you kept alluding to me being captured by the Female Titan...Based on what exactly? And now you're set on the idea of her breaking free and killing us. What's your angle here, Y/n." He seriously questioned you with hardened features. Your eyes widened at how unfriendly his face was. This felt very different.

'Aw fuck...I bet he's just keeping his curiosity about me coming back to life under wraps because the rest of the squad's here. He genuinely doesn't trust me right now.'

A sigh left your lips at all the eyes looking over you.

'I pray Armin's manipulation convincing skills rubbed off on me.'

"Listen...I know this seems hella fucking strange. To you and everyone else. " You saw their faces ponder the word "hella" and rolled your eyes. "But I am NOT your enemy. That's for sure. I've trained with you Eren. I care about all of our comrades, same as you. Honestly, I just have a very intense feeling for what's going to happen. It's like..deja vu? Do you know that phrase, Eren?"

Seeing him quirk a brow at you, you explained more, "It's when something happens and it feels as if you've already experienced it before. You'll know feeling one day-" 'Oops foreshadowing.' "Maybe. But for now can you- Can you all trust my gut feeling? In this field we cannot afford to make mistakes or ignore bad feelings....right?"

Looking around at everyone's faces, trying to find reasons to and not to trust you, you started to pick at your hands in anticipation.


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