Familiar Faces

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Taking your first step in immediately made you wanna kill yourself.





Everyone's eyes weren't on you but there were a lot and they were looking you up and down FERVENTLY. Thankfully, you noticed, none of the main characters were looking your way. That could all change in a second though, so with stares combing down your body, you walked around in the dark dreary place looking for where the food was being served.

Right when you found the food though, that's when you heard bae, I mean, Jean's voice. "Not that it's any of my business but signing up for reconnaissance is like a death sentence." You stilled. 'I gotta get my ass outta here, I do not wanna see Jean spit game so bad my grandpa can feel it in his grave.' Quickly grabbing a "meal" for two, you tried to make your way out but paused when you saw Jean and Eren step towards each other. Now you weren't 100% in the memory department so you didn't remember if they fought or not so you just waited a bit cause if they fought and made you drop your food then they really woulda' fucked up. A loud bell started ringing and you looked up, wondering where the sound was coming from lowkey. When you put your eyes back on Jean and Eren, Eren was walking away with Mikasa trailing behind him and- 'OUCH....Second hand embarrassment coming in 3..2..1.' You tried to shuffle up and out of there so you wouldn't have to witness that shit but you had to walk the path with Jean on it. 'God dammit I wanted to avoid anyone else..' Walking forward quickly, you let Jean give his cute little compliment before watching Mikasa leave and trying to get pass immediately after her.

Now you knew you'd catch his attention because well...you don't look like anyone else here and happened to have long dark hair at the moment because of your ass length passion twists. You wasn't no Mikasa but you WAS foreign with long hair. Was this a good or bad thing? You didn't know but you sure hoped he didn't call you a dirty cockroach in his head. All this mental push and pull must've tripped you up, cause you quite literally tripped and almost fell like an idiot. You felt hands on your waist, holding you firmly....while shaking slightly? The feeling of being pulled up hit you and you immediately steadied yourself and stood straight, turning around to show your gratitude before being struck speechless.

"Are you o-okay?" THE Jean Kirstein asked YOU. 'HE BLUSHIN? GIRL HE BLUSHIN....' Your thoughts were booming as you stared up at him. 'UP? NIGGA YOU ARE 12...? AM I YOUNGER CAUSE I SWEAR AT MY AGE I COULD DWARF HI-'

"I'm fine, thank you! I'm glad you caught me before the floor did heh.." you laughed off your bad joke while looking around nervously. They may be 12 but they looked grown as hell and hopefully you aged down so this wouldn't be as weird as you were finding it.

He cleared his throat before introducing himself, "I'm Jean..nice to meet you...?"


"Nice to meet you Y/n...you're b-beautiful by the way."

Just as he was starting to sound confident he hit you with a stuttered out compliment you've never genuinely heard from anyone but your MOTHER. At this, you pulled a basic 'pushes hair behind ear' move and smiled as gently as you could. From Jean's point of view, you were an angel gifting him with your precious time and smile. You looked so unique and soft and pretty. He's not sure how he found the confidence to talk to TWO girls in one night.

"Thank you, again! You're quite a handsome boy yourself. I'd love to stay and chat but my friend is waiting on me outside. I hope we can speak again later." It broke your heart to dismiss him but Sasha needed food and you don't remember if she ever gets any. He nods with a half smile and you bow your head respectfully before making your exit. 'God he's absolutely adorable..such a sweet guy.' You got out and hid the food you had to sneak out of there before making your way to Sasha.

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