Training Finna Have You Thick Asf

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Yall realize my chapter titles don't be making sense


You wake up to Sasha shaking your shoulder. You snort slightly and lift up with wide eyes. 'Where the hell am I...' You thought before the previous day all came back to you.

"Hey, I'm gonna go wash up and get ready, okay? You should too." Sasha explained before heading off after you gave a curt nod. You sad there, staring at your hands and looking them over. You were legitimately in the world of Attack On Titan. A look of confusion hit your features as you did your 'tiktok hands'. You noticed it a while ago and never thought more about it, but everything looks more animated in this universe. Of course that's because it's an anime but you wondered how you looked. ' I better be the the cutest girl here or SOMEBODY gon run me my MONEY.' Mirrors weren't something you ever ran into so far so what you looked like was a mystery overall.

Shrugging, you lifted yourself off the bed after making sure no one was paying attention to you and took off your bonnet. You stuffed it under a pillow to make sure no one stole it. Hey! It happens! Especially when yo musty ass cousins come over a- Ha ha ha....You got the uniform that Sasha helped you get and laid it out on the bed you both shared. You groaned as you stretched your limbs. You definitely weren't ready for whatever wash method you were gonna have to use. It's old times so you assumed everyone had shit and pit stains. No one smelled absolutely repulsive as of yet but you've smelled better than this. You can't blame them. 'At least they got soap and water right?'

Making your way to the bathing area, you see they have showers that are somewhat communal. There were multiple shower heads that had knobs to turn them on and off. 'Guess that means no warm water since it's too early for them to have settings right?' You questioned yourself. Looking around more, you saw there was a section with shower heads lined up in a big empty space and there was a small section with a few stall like separations for privacy. You decided you'd like some privacy considering there were a lot of old fashioned girls here and you were as different as they come. 'I ain't in the mood to be Malcolm X AND Shirley Chisholm.' Heading over to the private shower, you grabbed a dry towel and hung it on the rack next to the stall before stripping yourself bare and hanging your clothes up there as well. You used one of your longest twists to force your hair into a tight low bun. Fucking your protective style up was NOT the move. Hopping into the shower stall, you began to clean yourself as best you could, trying not to cringe at the cold water and using soap that has been touched by strangers.

You realized water was limited for showers when you were just about done and the water slowly stopped coming from the shower head. 'Damn you niggas BROKE. CAN'T PAY YA WATER BILL FOR SHIT.' You joked in your head at your abrupt shower time ending. Exiting the stall, you dried yourself with your towel and then secured it around your body. You collected your clothes and underwear with a small pout. In the shower you realized your body looked less developed than it actually was and figured you'd aged down to fit in with the protagonist. That was a bummer cause you lowkey JUST got some titties and now they gone all over again!

Making your way back to the beds, you pulled a full stop when you looked down at your clothes. 'Well I'll be DAMNED. I AINT GOT LOTION, DEODORANT, NEW PANTIES, OR EVEN A TOOTH BRUSH. THE FANFICS DON'T NEVER TALK ABOUT THIS SHIT UGHHH.' Complaints loudly started swarming your head. It was way too aggravating to be stuck in a musty old fashioned world AND BE MUSTY YOURSELF. You mentally made a checklist and put 'Asking Sasha where to buy lady junk and hygiene shit later' on it. Doing a check for your bonnet and for wandering eyes, you quickly put your panties on under your towel and turned away from the other ladies to put your bra on. Luckily it was a sports bra so you didn't have to worry about not fitting it when you aged down. Slipping the towel off, you situated yourself in your uniform before staring at the harness shit thing. 'Girl what the fuck is this and how the hell I'm gon put it on...' You guess you looked real stupid because you felt a tap on your shoulder.

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