Morning, Musty.

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You groaned slightly, twisting your body a bit in your sleep, only to find you couldn't. Now- you were half asleep so your face scrunched in discomfort. Gripping the covers, you curled into something warm.

That's when you felt pressure on your back, pushing you into the warmth even more. However, you couldn't fucking breathe; You were being smothered....AND THE PRESSURE WAS BEING ADDED BIT BY BIT.

"Mmph!" Yelping, you shuffled a bit while opening your eyes, just to realize-

'.....Lord....I am nose deep in Levi titties....'

Ceasing movement, you tried to look up at Levi's face only to find him knocked out COLD. (but somehow had the nerve to pull you closer into him..goofy) Your shuffling didn't even alert his ass.

'Even humanity's greatest can't resist a good rest, huh.'



You twisted your head slightly to try and look at your bodies to see the full situation, just to realize...

'..I shoulda wore my bonnet..'

With his right hand in your nappy head and his left hand firmly on your hip, though it was previously on your back, you deadpanned at the whole situation. 'Aight that's it.' You carefully plucked his iron grip off your waist before de-tangling his fingers from your hair and getting out of bed. With your hands on your hips, you stared him down with a glare.

But it softened immediately when you saw him curl into himself, grabbing for

Gripping the covers, he pulled them towards himself and it seems your lingering warmth was enough to satiate him right back to being out cold.

'Bruh...This grown ass man is so cute and that's a problem.' Turning away, you went to look in your bag. Sure you knew some of the shit you packed but you hadn't checked that bag in months.

Digging through, you saw your air pods, A BONNET, shampoo and conditioner, a mini eco gel container, a brush with hair ties on the end, lotion, your army looking outfit you initially were going to wear, UNDERWEAR!!!!, a portable charger, lip gloss, and other small random things you probably forgot to clean out before packing. 'Damn, I run a tight ship. I shoulda checked this bag last I'm ashy and bogus.'

Walking into the bathroom with your bag, you folded your dirty clothes from yesterday and sat them on the floor before getting naked and changing into your camo pants and black tanktop. You put on some socks and pulled out your combat boots before putting your dirty clothes and shoes (lord knows you cringed at dirty shoes in ur nice ass bag) from yesterday in your bag to replace the other outfit.

You pulled out the hair supplies and looked at the bucket of water sitting on the sink. 'You already know wassup baby.'

Quickly you did a little brush brush of ya teeth, now time for that scalp.

Your hair was still in two puffballs but due to the sleep hugger, they were fucked beyond belief. Taking out the scrunchies and using your hand to get water on your brush, you decided to brush your hair back into a low ponytail. (Ur hair is like...shoulder length while curly...cuz im using myself as reference before my big chop lmao.) Lil bit of eco gel here, brush brush there, 6 redos here.....DONE! You made do and did your edges a bit with your brush before packing everything up.

'Bam. High maintenance out the way-'

Scrabbling to wash your hands, you remembered to lotion yourself a bit. You smacked up ya arms, face, and ankles and called it a day. Throwing on some lip gloss, you packed everything up forreal this time before pocketing your airpods. Hey- music was gonna be needed for the upcoming events.

'Damn....where's my phone..' You wondered before going back into the bedroom to see an awake Levi looking grumpy while tapping at YOUR phone.

"HEY-" Rushing over you huffed and covered the screen. "What're you doing?"

"Play it again.." Sounded the man with a firm frown on his face.


"The music. Play it again."

Finally getting the idea, you stifled a giggle before taking your phone back.

"I didn't take you for a childish guy! Nope. We gotta get up and do stuff. No matter how good the sleep was."

"Possibly the best I've had in years."

"Yeah, yeah, Up and Adam, Ackerman."

"Don't talk out of tone just because I'm tired and let you sleep here. I'm still your superior."

"You don't REALLY care about that though, do you?"


Getting up he shuffled past you to get himself cleaned up in the bathroom.

With a small chuckle, you sat on the bed and looked at your phone. 'Damn I only lost 7% from the lullaby last night. Nice. If this keeps up I won't have to use the charger. Scrolling through your apps, you opened cookie run and played while waiting for Levi to prepare himself for the day.


Coming out of the bathroom looking as refreshed as a little grumpy man could, Levi eyed you up and down closely for the first time today.

"New look?"

"Yeah, Had a change of clothes in my bag....don't question this outfit either."

"Mm.." He stared at your hair before continuing to get a change of uniform and going to change in the bathroom. Coming back out he looked at you. "Brush your teeth?"

"Yes, dad." You deadpanned.

With a disgusted face, Levi continued getting ready for the day.

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