Mission Failed

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A loud Titan roar pierced the air and had you all staring at your surroundings in fear.


That's when a blue smoke signal shot off and Gunther identified it, "That's our cue. Saddle up! We're going home!"

"Wait. Can we still enact my plan? Just to be safe?"

After a few moments of silence, everyone agreed. You'd convinced them your gut instinct was on to something and that it wouldn't hurt being safe. You'd told them your plan and it wasn't as risky as they thought it'd be.

Everyone got ready to go, putting their hoods up and securing that they wouldn't fall off and you watched as everyone took off. You would be in the back of the formation with Gunther. You knew how the kill went. She kills Gunther in human form then transforms to kill the rest and attempts to kidnap Eren.

As everyone went forward. You and Gunther steadily followed. You were clearly more focused than Gunther. He thought everything was over and you knew everything wasn't.

That's when you saw a green smoke signal.

'Hollon. Oh my god...That's not supposed-'

"Must be the captain..." Gunther spoke before setting off his own green smoke signal.

'Aw fuck...That's definitely Annie. I forgot that's how she finds us.'

"No. You can't be sure that's the Captain." You intercepted before you re-routed to rendezvous with "Levi".

"Who else could it be? The mission's over. You saw the Blue smoke signals. They caught the threat." Oluo argued.

"I hate to agree but he's right. Let's just reroute. If it's anyone else, it's fine. We are elites." Petra added in.



You tried to argue to turn back the entire time you all rerouted and it was actually going smoothy all up until Gunther turned his head and saw someone next to you all.

"Levi..?" He whispered. Before anything could happen you whistled LOUD but in a way you made it sound like it was something ordinary before you "complained" out loud.

"I'm so hungry! Are we there yet?!"

You saw everyone gripping their blades at your cue, except Gunther who was distracted.

With a distraught sigh you though, 'Take one for the team, it's gonna hurt but you're expendable..'

You gripped your blade on the side that Annie wasn't on and waited for any sudden movement from her.

"Wait- that's not- OH SH-"

Before Gunther could finish his sentence you pushed past him and re-positioned your ODM gear so you could clash right against Annie's blades and push her in the opposite direction.

Bad move, you successfully blocked one blade and the other slit through your shirt and made a shallow cut on your stomach. Shallow sure but still hurt like hell!


You successfully pushed her back. And you knew it wasn't that easy so you braced yourself.

You both fell at the trunk of a tree. You immediately retracted your ODM gear and stepped back a bit in case she transformed. She knew who you were. You didn't have the same uniform as everyone else and you were the only on without a hood on. Your hair was too voluminous to do so.


"DO NOT COME OVER HERE." You yelled back at Eren. Maybe if you took her attention, they could escape.


That's when you heard Annie grunt.

"MAKE FOR HQ AT FULL SPEED." You heard Eld yell at the others.

"Don't do this...I know you don't want to do this." You plead with her before she stood, a survey corps hood shadowing he face to the point you could only see her lips.

"You knowing, is exactly why I have to do this."

Eyes widening, you tried to back pedal quickly but she already triggered her ring and the sheer power of the sudden transformation rumbled the ground and had you fly back onto a tree, slamming the back of your head right into the hard bark and knocking you unconscious.

Exactly what she needed.

In her now titan form, she tucked you onto a high branch, away from any titans that could come through again, and ran straight forward towards Eren. Her goal was to obtain both of you and you hadn't the slightest idea,











Your eyes shot open in a panic and you tried to hop up from your ass but you immediately saw triple of everything, felt a ringing in your ears, and almost stumbled off the-


Closing your eyes tight and focusing while rubbing the back of your head to soothe the ache, the ringing in your ears died down and you heard far off screams. You leaned on the base of the branch before using all your strength to focus again.

'screams...Screams? OH MY GOD IT'S HAPPENING?'

Opening your eyes to a finally focused picture of the forest, you stood up straight and turned your head to find everyone but could only make out loud voices and noises.


You heard and turned to the voice before hearing a loud splat and feeling the rumbling from a tree shaking.

"Am I...too late..?"

'I tried my best and still couldn't do it...I guess saving Marco was just a fucking fluke.' You frowned and leaned back onto the tree bark and slid back down to your ass before letting tears well up.

That's when you heard another transformation, confirming that they were definitely dead.

Eren had transformed because they couldn't kill Annie. Annie and him are gonna duke it out and then this mission ends.

And nothing changed. You didn't make anything different.

You heard the battle-cry of Eren's titan and decided it was best for you to stay in the tree. You can't fight. You haven't trained in a forever and they're in titan form. Mikasa and Levi are on their way anyways.

'God...my head's throbbing....I'm thirsty and hot. I'm fucking useless. '

Wiping your forehead of sweat, you started to breath heavily and you passed out again from dehydration, exhaustion, and probably some head trauma....

'Thanks a lot, Annie.'

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