Night Time Tingz pt 1

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I been struggling all year but towards the end, this fanfic was what helped me escape and cope and get my shit back together. ily lil slaves <//3 yall motivate me to be new york's best seller!


You'd grabbed your bag and headed to the barracks for actual soldiers before remembering that you weren't when everyone graduated. So you most likely didn't have a bed.

'Aw shit. I don't wanna force Sasha to share with me again..'

It was more about you not being able to handle her food breath than you wanting to be nice, honestly. You loved her but, as that tiktok once said,

"Woah, Lil lady! You sure can put it away!"

You hadn't been in the official soldier section much before so you groaned a bit to yourself before turning to start your escapade of finding someone with a huge official title to point you to where Levi was.

Did you annoy him quite a bit today?


Were you gonna beg on your hands and knees to sleep in his bed again?

Hell yeah.

Walking past the room you just held the meeting in, you found Levi a few halls down, leaning on a wall.

He noticed you walking up to him and smacked his lips for like the hundredth time before standing up straight, "I was waiting for you and Erwin to finish your little chat. Come on. I need to sleep."

Furrowing your brows at the man as he walked off, expecting you to follow, you spoke up, "Wha-? You want me to sleep with you again?"

Jolting and snapping his head back, he scolded you, "Don't say it like that, idiot. Don't need people thinking I let something strange happen with you of all people."

With a fake pout, you held in a laugh before teasing him, "Aww! So mean to me, Captain! I turn 19 next month!"

"Y/n." He warned.

"I know, I know. It's not funny to make you question your morality since I'm such a smoking hot baddie."

"Baddie-? You know what.." He cringed before turning and starting to walk away, leaving you to jog up next to him as to not get left behind.

"Purr..I love it when you ignore me, short stuff." You whispered into his ear before he swatted you away. You had no idea if it was the traumatic events but you were more comedic than fucking EVER.

Just feelin' a lil goofy fo' today.

"Sometimes, I wonder if you're even worth the effort."

"I am! I'm attractive, funny, mysterious, and somewhat deranged. What else you tryna' see from me?" You said the last sentence with a flirty tone and bedroom eyes. Hey. At least you were being real about how thirsty you were at this point!

Clearly, he wasn't interested.

"Isn't your boyfriend, Eren, gonna throw a fit at you flirting with someone at a rank that could have you thrown in a cell for life."

"Not my boyfriend. Situationship, Levi. I'm young, wild, and free and definitely not tryna to date someone with a life span of-" Cutting yourself off, you realize they didn't know the 13 year rule of a titan shifter yet.

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