rip da titan babi <3

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Standing far off from the side in a booboo green cloak, you stared at the dissipating corpses of the titans and a screaming Hange, losing their shit.

"Damn, Annie....You ain't have to do them like that..." you mumbled under your breath, while playing with your acrylics. That's when you felt a presence next to you. Levi. Of course, he was looking after you after all. You were before Eren on his list of responsibilities. Everyone knew of Eren and to watch him closely. But only like 5 people knew about your existence as some magical entity.

Speaking of Eren, you watched as Erwin went up beside him asking him who he thought the real enemy was. 'Still don't really understand the significance of that line..' You thought as you watched Eren get startled.

A hand perched on your shoulder, "Hey, I'll meet up with you later. Business with Erwin. Go console Hange or something." Levi turned his back with Erwin following after saying his piece.


You had been kept away from the other soldiers due to this comeuppance (titan murder..) and plus you were kind of a secret until they figured out what to do with you. Everyone in charge of you didn't seem to believe you were already apart of the previous operation before you poofed! Eren was your only evidence and he was basically a monster to everyone else.

Eren was on the opposite side of the stable, tending to a horse while you were on your side....avoiding your horse cause you really missed everyone and one person was one your mind,


Did he survive..? Did he listen to you and stick with Jean? Did that even matter? Was he just fated to die? Will someone else have to die in turn for him?

So many questions and NAUR answers.

You glanced over and watched Eren make conversation with the adults of the exclusive team that were taking care of you two along with their own duties. That was before Levi ran up on yall with his slick ass ebony horse.

"Make ready people! We're going on patrol!"

Eren ran up and saluted Levi while you turned your head to pretend like you couldn't hear anything. Those thoughts about Marco had made you a bit moody to be honest. You were kinda hoping they'd throw you onto someone else that'd babysit you.

"Oi! Y/n! You're gonna be coming with us." Levi loudly alerted you before turning his head to look at Eren.

"Both of you better stay within ten meters of me at all times."

"Mhm!" You replied as you made your way towards everyone after picking up your backpack and giving a half-hearted salute.

"The only reason you're" he peered into Eren's eyes, "outta your cell is because I'm keeping an eye on you. Understood?"

With a "Yes sir!" from Eren, Levi ordered everyone to get on their horses, leaving you standing there awkwardly.


"Y/n! C'mon, get on with me." Eren called out to you and your confused look immediately got swept over with a fond smile before you settled behind him on his horse and leaned onto his back with your arms wrapped around his torso.

"Thanks titan-boy." You let out warmly.

"Mhm.." The said "titan-boy" hummed while his cheeks grew warm and he began to ride his horse behind Levi's.


You sat in the grass, a bit away from the group, playing with your (Eren's) horse and putting flowers in it's mane like a lame ass. They were discussing strategy and you weren't allowed to see anything because you were still an "uncontrolled variable" and they didn't trust you.

"Funny they don't trust me but Levi FORREAL looked me in the eyes when I was in training.." 'WHY AINT HE TAKING UP FOR ME?!' "Plus I slept in his bed.." 'AND LOST PERCENTAGE ON MY PHONE FOR HIM!!!'

The horse let out a hard NOSE breath all on you, blowing your puffballs in a way that made you feel like a white woman with her straight blonde 1A hair flowing in the wind.....that is until you realize her blew onto your glasses so hard they went crooked on your face.

'......I need my contacts.'

"Hey! I'm completely aware maybe he's looking out for me in his own Levi way! But ain't nobody smart enough to break that down right now!" You whisper-yelled at the horse as if it was talking to you.


Levi was standing near his horse, just overseeing the discussion before turning his head to monitor you.

'Why is she talking to the damn horse.' He stated more than asked himself in his head before watching your cute puffballs blow from the horse breathing all in your face. He couldn't stop his mind from thinking you were a little princess talking to garden animals like they would in stories. '...fucking weird.."


You and Eren were once again cleaning horse stables like field slaves, 'I'm SICK of this damn slave work.'

Said boy, perked up, which caught your attention, and you saw Mikasa and Armin walking by and immediately put your shit down to follow Eren as he asked for permission to talk to your friends.

After hearing a yes, you and Eren let out in the same breath,



Running towards them, you felt your eyes tear up as they turned to face towards you both.

First greeting Eren with surprise on their faces, and you with UTTER shock.

"Ere-" Sounded Mikasa before her eyes laid on you.

Stopping in front of your friends, Eren spoke, "Man, am I glad to see you guys!"

A warm smile graced your face but as you were gonna add to the sentiment, you noticed Mikasa lift a shaking hand before pulling you and Eren into a tight embrace. felt a slight wetness on your shoulder and immediately put your hand on Mikasa's back to comfort her.

"A-Are you crying?! I'm sorry we were away that long.."

"Yeah, Mikasa, you don't have to cry!"

Silence and a soft sniffle.


You looked up at Armin and only saw a blur of him before he jumped into the hug, mostly on your side, one arm reinforcing Mikasa and the other pulling you in by your waist, and the whole gesture making your glasses ALMOST SLIDE OFF YOUR FACE ENTIRELY.

'If my glasses slide down my nose one more ti-'



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