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You were hidden in a restroom currently.

Your plan went off without a hitch. You'd stolen a uniform from Levi after waiting for him to leave the room and then snuck your way to an armory looking place and got some ODM gear. You then patiently waited for everyone to leave before you followed suit on Oreo.

It took a while but you had found her alive and well. Which was pretty good considering you had to leave her behind last mission. The poor thing probably thought you died though.

But anyways.

Whilst riding behind everyone, you realized you looked like a chaperone. All of the soldiers in low ranks were in civilian clothing while you were not. Didn't matter though. No one, surprisingly, paid attention to you. As it should be.

You had been set up to a location South of Wall Sina. Yeah you had NO IDEA where you were. Just that you were to follow Miche. If he survived, you wouldn't need to know your way around. He'd take you home.

Back to your current position in the bathroom. You snuck inside to avoid having any soldiers you knew notice who you were. But it'd been a while and it sounded like the hallways were empty once again. So you responsibly peaked out into the corridor before slipping out entirely to an empty hallway.

'Thank the lord cause I have no excuse for being here without Levi...'

You quietly tried to make your way outside.

Miche was going to alert everyone when he smelled the titans that Zeke transformed so you would just wait until everyone was in a frenzy trying to leave.

After almost being caught 2 different times, you finally made it outside just to see Nanaba landing on the roof of the opposite building of the one you just exited, next to Miche. But just as you exited, you heard the foot steps of people and immediately hid on the side of building.

'Shit, I forgot they get informed so fuckin' fast. At least everyone will be panicked enough to not question me..Hopefully.'

You peaked from your hiding spot to see them still talking. That was good. If you lost sight of Miche, it'd be over. You came here for nothing...And would possibly be caught up with your friends when the place gets overrun by titans completely. And you'd have to witness Ymir's butt ugly dookie titan...

'Sorry Ymir...That thang was beat with the ugly stick.'

Seeing that almost everyone had gone off, you made your way to your horse and lagged behind the group at a safe distance. Getting caught is fine, just not until you know it'll be too late to do anything about it.

"The second the titan's reach the woods, we split up!" You heard Miche command from the front.

'Purr...When you talk, you TALK.... Y/n, stop being horny.'

"I want four separate teams. Recruits and soldiers alike in each unit!"

'Okay, I think it's getting near the time we split off...' You thought, seeing the forest approaching and speeding up your horse to fit tightly in the everyone else.

'And bet not nobody say a damn WORD.'

"When I give the signal, we'll scatter in different directions simultaneously! Get civilians to safety and do not engage the enemy!"

You listened as Miche and others discussed the separate groups and made sure to remember exactly where Miche was heading. While listening, you frowned.

Connie's gonna see what became of his family.

' poor baby.. And Reiner about to girlboss gaslight him into thinking he crazy when his mama speak to him..' You wish you could be there for him. But he'd be okay eventually. And you knew that was a sucky thing to think but it was true. He would be okay. Miche would not.

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