twenty nine

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"You excited for tomorrow?" Wilbur said softly, we we're in my bedroom and my head was placed on his chest, I could hear his heart beating. 

I smiled gently, "I don't know, I'm gonna be 24, that's old." 

He chuckled slightly, "That's not that old, you'll be fine." 

I looked up at him, he looked down at me and smiled. 

He brought his left hand up to my cheek and rubbed it softly with his thumb before placing his soft lips on mine, he pulled away, "I love you Venus."

I smiled, "I love you too Wilbur." 

"I'm excited to spend your birthday with you, by the way what are we doing for your big day?"

I sighed, "No clue, I'm spending the day with my Mum tomorrow but I'm free during the night if you wanna do something?" 

He nodded, "Sounds good, can't wait." He said leaning back onto my headboard, playing with my hair. 

I snuggled into his side and started to close my eyes, before I fell asleep I heard him say something underneath his breath, "Goodnight my love." 


I woke up to only me in my bed, Wilbur must have left last night. 

I groaned before dragging myself out of bed and walking down the stairs to see my Mum standing up with balloons and a bag in her hand.

"Oh god Mum it's too early for this."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!" She exclaimed before engulfing me in a hug, "Isn't this a little too much for a 24 year old?" I said.

She pulled away, "No matter how old you get you're still my baby, now c'mon open your first gift." She said handing me the bag, I grabbed it from her before sitting down on the couch. 

I took the paper out of the bag and saw some t-shirts, some candy, and a small red box.

I took out the red box and opened it to see a ring in there, "Oh my god Mum, this is beautiful." 

She sat beside me, "Grandma gave that to me when I was little, told me if I ever had a daughter to pass it on, so there you go." She said smiling, I put the ring on and admired it.

"It's amazing, thank you." I said hugging her, "Now if you and Wilbur ever have a daughter-"

"Mmm stop right there, just because he's the first boy I've ever fallen in love with does not mean we're going to have kids one day." 

"You never know..." She winked at me, I nudged her. 

"So, do you have any plans for today?"

"Well I want to spend the day with you of course, and tonight Wilbur is taking me somewhere."

"Oooo where's he taking you?" 

"I actually don't know, but I know it'll be great." 

She nodded, "What about Lucas?"

"He said he's busy today, in fact all my friends are busy today."

"All of them?" 

"Yeah I asked them to hang out tonight and they all got their own stuff, it's fine we'll all hang out another time." 

happily not so after || wilbur sootTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon