thirty two

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caption- streaming with this one in a bit, come hang! :D twitch

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caption- streaming with this one in a bit, come hang! :D


"You ready?"

I nodded holding onto his hand, "Let's do this." 

Wilbur finally took his 'starting soon' screen off revealing the both of us on the screen, "CHAT!" He exclaimed.

"CHAT!" I said copying him, he looked over at me before looking back at this screen.

"Welcome back to another stream everyone, we're here with Venus today!"

"Yayyy." I said smiling, "We're finally gonna talk about us and our relationship." 

"Yeah you guys will ask us some questions and we'll answer as many as we can, shall we start?" Wilbur questioned, I nodded. 

"I'm nervous but also kinda excited." I said holding onto his arm, he chuckled before reading out one of the questions.

"How long have you two been together?" He said.

I thought to myself, "Almost 5 months?" 

"Yeah it's been almost 5 months, wow time goes by fast."

"Seriously. Oh I like this question, how did you two meet?"

He looked over at me and smirked, "Should you tell or I?"

"I'll tell it." I said softly.

"So basically, Lucas ditched me one night and I went to the train station to play my guitar as I ted to do, and he complimented my playing and I got nervous because well hello, cute boy standing in front of me." 

Wilbur chuckled, "Anyways so, I got nervous and left but I left something behind. Wilbur, you wanna say the rest?"

He nodded, "She left her bracelet on the ground, I waited every single night for her to show up because hello, pretty girl lost her bracelet and I wanted an excuse to see her again. So once I saw her again I gave her her bracelet and we went out for milkshakes." 

"And the rest is history." I said, chat was filled with 'awes' and 'that's so cute!'

"Okay let answer a couple more..."

"Favorite memory together?"

"Every single milkshake date we've been on." Wilbur exclaimed, I gasped, "No because I agree, I love strawberry milkshakes." 

"Do you guys have nicknames for each other?"

I shrugged, "Not really, we really only call each other Wil and Vee. Every now and then you get a darling tossed in there." I said. 

a/n: more questions later blah blah blah

"I think that's enough questions for today, thank you guys so much for hanging out with us today!" Wilbur said.

"Yeah this was fun, now you guys can stop asking us about our relationship!" I said, Wilbur agreed. 

"Okay we're raiding Tommy, go bully him."

"DON'T BULLY HIM! TELL HIM I MISS HIM!" I exclaimed, Wilbur waved goodbye before ending stream.

He turned to me and smiled, "That went pretty good."

"It did, thank god." 


a/n: how was your guys day?

464 words.

happily not so after || wilbur sootWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt