thirty six

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I was on my way over to Venus's house, I brought along with me some roses, some of her favorite candies and one of my sweatshirts that she loved to wear whenever she came over.

I was anxious to see her. I already knew she didn't wanna see me, so why was I even driving there in the first place?

Because I wanted to see her.

I also needed to know the truth, why she lied, did she not trust me? 

I finally pulled up outside her house, I gathered the items and stepped out of the car.

I took a deep breathe approaching the front door slowly, I hesitated to knock for a moment before finally getting the actual guts to do it. Once I knocked I heard footsteps on the other side, the door opened and I was greeted with Venus's Mum.

She smiled, "Hello Wilbur, how are you?"

"I'm hanging on, is she okay?" I said softly.

She sighed, "She barely will talk, Lucas stopped by earlier and tried to watch their favorite show together but, she ignored him." 

I frowned, "Well, I came to give these to her. And if it's not too much to ask, I wanna speak to her."

"You can try honey but, I'm not sure you'll get a response."

"At least I'll see her." I said, she nodded before moving to the side letting me in.

"She's in her room, I'll make you some tea." 

"Thank you so much." I said before making my way upstairs, I knocked on the bedroom door. 

"Mum I already said I'm not hungry." 

I opened the door slightly and my eyes met with hers, she was at her desk watching youtube. 

"Can I come in?" I said slightly.

She took off her headphones and sighed before walking over to her bed and patting the spot next to her, I walked in, set everything down, and took a seat beside her. 



I didn't wanna see him, I wasn't ready to tell him the truth. 

But even if I wasn't ready, he deserved to know. I walked over to my bed and sat down patting the spot beside me, he put his things down and took a seat. 

There was silence for a little while, I don't think either one of us knew what to say. 

He finally spoke, "I researched about it, I tried to learn as much as I could." He said softly.

I stayed still. 

"Venus how could you not tell me? We've been together for months now and you kept this huge secret from me, why?" 

A tear fell down my cheek, I sniffled, "Because I was scared."

"Scared of what?" He said moving closer.

I finally looked at him, "Scared that you wouldn't love me anymore."

"Venus, nothing, absolutely nothing could ever make me not love you anymore, Especially a silly thing like this, this doesn't change a thing. I still see you, and not Venus with XP, just Venus." 

I smiled slightly, "You mean that?"

"Of course I do. But, I'm a little pissed off you didn't tell me. Now look where we're at..."

I sighed, "I know, I- I'm sorry." 

He gently placed his hand on top of mine and rubbed it with his thumb, "I'm here for you okay?"

"But, what if the damage was severe? That means I could-" 

"We can't keep thinking about the what ifs, we have to stay positive."

"But what if you loose me?" My voice broke slightly.

"I won't." 

I sighed once more before closing my eyes, I leaned into him as his arms wrapped around me.

"I'm sorry Wil, I should have told you." I mumbled.

"Yeah you should've, but it's gonna be alright darling." He said rubbing my back. 

I looked up at him, "I'm getting tired." I said yawning. 

"You want me to go? Cause I can-"

"Actually, can you stay for a bit? Just until I fall asleep, I haven't slept in days." 

He nodded before laying back against my pillows, I placed my head on top of his chest, hearing his heartbeat. 

He started to play with my hair which made me feel even more tired, "I love you Wilbur, again I'm really sorry."

"Shhh, just go to sleep love." He said softly, I smiled before drifting off into my slumber. 


a/n: serious question, do you guys like laffy taffy?

i don't, it's too sticky and hard to get out of the wrapper. PLUS, it's too chewy.

anyways, love you amazing human beings! <33

732 words.

happily not so after || wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now