forty eight

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Last night on my way home Venus fell asleep in the car. I brought her inside and laid her in my bed and spent almost 2 hours covering all the windows and making sure they we're secure and safe for her, I didn't want anything else to happen to her.

I felt so worried, like something was going to happen to her at any moment even though there was no view of sunlight anywhere. 

I heard a knock come from my front door and made my way towards it. I opened it and was greeted by Lucas who was holding a big bag of groceries. 

"Here, you're a man help me out." He said placing the bag in my arms and walking inside. 

"Nice to see you too." I mumbled struggling to not drop the bag and closed the door. 

I sighed, "Thank you so much for coming over, I'm freaking out." 

"Okay well I talked to her doctor and she said as long as she isn't in the sunlight, she's fine." 

"I knew that but, even if she's already been exposed?" 

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?" 

"She's already been exposed, so does that mean she can walk in sunlight and nothing will happen or?" 

"You are so stupid. If she goes into sunlight it will just speed up the process and kill her faster! And we don't want that, do we?" Lucas said, I shook my head. 

Lucas took a seat on my couch and looked anxious, I sat beside him. 

"Lucas, it's gonna be okay." 

A tear streamed down his face, I don't think I've ever seen him cry before so I freaked out a little when I noticed. 

"She's my best friend, my sister. I mean her family welcomed me into their arms and accepted me for who I was and took care of me when my parents couldn't. I tried so hard to experience everything with her, and now, she's gonna be missing out on so many things and I'm gonna be wishing she was there with me and not even enjoying them!" 

He sighed, "I've been trying so hard not to think about her dying but, it's all I can dream about. I have nightmares at night because of it, I have no clue what I'm going to do without her." He sniffled, I held onto his shoulder. 

"I think about it everyday, I try not to but just looking at her makes me want to break down. But you heard what she said, she wants these last two weeks to be the best weeks of her life. Lets do that for her, and I promise when she is gone, she won't really be gone. She'll always be with us Lucas, always." 

He smiled, "You're right, I want these last two weeks to be the best, for all of us. I just-"

"I know, you don't wanna loose her." 

He nodded, "Yeah, we all don't." 


a/n: i wanted to say happy pride month to my fellow gays!

whether you're questioning, in the closet, out of the closet, anything at all you are completely valid and i am so proud of you for being able to figure out or at least try and figure yourself out and being you and just surviving in this cruel world.

people apart of the LGBTQ+ community get treated badly almost everyday of their lives and it is honestly sick. so just know that i love you all more than you know and don't listen to those haters, they're just mad we do it better lol. 


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