twenty three

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My alarm went off, startling me a little. I groaned when I realized it was 9 AM, i turned it off and sat up to stretch. 

I got up and walked over to the guest room where Tommy was sleeping, I knocked, "Tommy?"

No answer.

I knocked again, still no answer.

"I'm coming in." I said, slowly opening the door. Only to see the bed made and no sign of Tommy, weird.

I walked downstairs yawning before walking into the kitchen, that's when I saw Lucas and Tommy attempting to make pancakes.

Lucas looked over at me, "Oh you're up!" He said, Tommy turned to face me, "V! I got up early and didn't want to wake you and once I came downstairs Lucas was already down here, I made the bed and everything by the way."

"I know I saw, thank you! God I'm tired." I said sitting at the island, "You can go back to sleep if you want, we don't have anything to do today do we?" 

"Well I have to go to the park later and meet up with Tubbo, you guys wanna come?"

I looked at Lucas, "Uh, we can't."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why?"

"B- because we have to study! Yeah, did you forget we we're college students?" Lucas said, "But you guys just said you don't have anything plan-"

"Lucas just realized we both have a project we both have to work on so that's why we won't be available, sorry Tommy." I frowned, "It's cool don't worry, school is important! Well I better head home before my Mum-" Tommy said before he tripped on his shoe lace and knocked over some papers.

"Oh god, are you alright?" I said helping him up, "I'm fine, I'm sorry for the mess. Here, let me help." 

He began picking up the papers, I helped him, then I saw a familiar paper that Tommy was about to pick up, "Wait don't-" 

He picked it up, he examined it before looking up at me, "What is this?"

I gulped, "Um-"

"Venus, these are medical papers, for you. It says that you..." He said continuing to look at it, oh no. 

"It says you have a checkup appointment for your Xeroderma pigmentosom, Venus what is that? Are you sick? Is everything okay?" 

I held onto his hand, a tear falling down my face, "I'm about to tell you something I've never told anyone before, and- and if you don't want to be friends with me once you find out the truth that's completely fine, I understand."

"Venus, what's the matter?" 

I sighed, "I have Xeroderma pigmentosom. It's a hereditary condition characterized by extreme sun sensitivity, meaning I can't go out into the sun. If I do, I could get a type of skin cancer and well, there's no cure." 

He didn't say anything, he just kept looking at me. "Tommy?" My voice cracked a little.

"S- so, this is why whenever me and everyone else invite you and Lucas to lunch you guys always say your busy?" 

I nodded, "Wait, does Lucas have it too?" 

Lucas chuckled, he sat beside me, "No but, she's my best friend and I know how hard it is for her to not be able to do certain things with you guys. Like remember when you guys wanted to go mini-golfing and you invited us?" Tommy nodded, "I created our own little mini-golfing game in her living room, I just don't want her to feel like she's missing out." Lucas said.

Tommy looked back at me, "Why didn't you tell me? Have you told the others?"

"No I haven't. And, I didn't tell you because I wanted you guys to think I was normal, not some disease. And believe me, I was going to tell all of you at some point, but I've never had the chance to tell someone before so I guess I was just nervous."

"You never told Lucas?"

"He found out at school because everyone would call me vampire girl, so technically I never told him."

Tommy nodded, "Venus, I'm little annoyed you didn't tell me sooner but, this doesn't change a thing."

My eyes widened, "Are you serious?"

He smiled, "You are one of my bestest friends, and just because you have a medical condition that you can't get rid of, doesn't mean you're not the same funny, sweet, caring person you are. In fact, I like you a little better now that I know this." 

I smiled, I engulfed him into a hug, "Thank you thank you thank you, you are the sweetest kid I know." 

"Venus, you're holding on a little too tight."

"Oh, sorry." I said leaning back, "No worries." He said, I chuckled.

"Can you-"

"I won't tell anyone, I promise." 

I sighed, "Thank you, I'll tell them I promise." 

He nodded, "Okay well, here's your papers. Make sure to tell your Mum about your checkup." He said helping me up, I chuckled, "I will, now go home kid."

"I will, bye Lucas!" Tommy exclaimed, Lucas waved goodbye.

We heard the front door close, Lucas looked at me, "You okay?"

I sighed, "Hearing him say I'm still the same person even though I have this condition, it made me feel good." 

Lucas pulled me in for a hug, "I've been trying to tell you that girl." I chuckled, "I know, I know." 

"I'm proud of you." He said softly.

Yeah, so am I. 


882 words.

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