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"Why are you in here alone Venus? I thought Lucas was coming over for game night?" 

I sniffled, I looked at my Mother with tears dripping down my face, "Venus, what's the matter?"

"Lucas and I had a fight, I don't think hes coming tonight..."

My Mum sat beside me, "Oh honey, it'll be fine. You two are the bestest of friends, you'll find your way back to each other again, you always will." 

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve, "If me and Lucas do become friends again, will we have more fights in the future? Like when we grow up?"

"Friends fight all the time dear, but you two love each other. Just because you two fight doesn't mean you stop being friends, even when you two our older, you'll always be with each other." 


My Mum smiled, "I promise." 


It had been two weeks since me and Lucas's argument. I tried calling him every day but, he never answered.

We've fought many times before, but we always swept it under the rug and went back to normal, but this time was different. 

Of course I was still mad at Lucas, he made up lies. He said I was scared of love, I'm not. Love isn't real, how can you love someone and then leave them? It doesn't make any sense. 

But, I shouldn't have said what I said that night, it's his love life. And I have no say in anything, I should have shut up. 

Whatever, if he doesn't wanna fix things, then so be it. 

For these last two weeks, I've been spending plenty of time with Wilbur and his band. And Tommy, being the sweet boy he is, thought it'd be a wonderful idea to meet more of their friends, so he planned for all of us to have dinner tonight and if I'm being honest, I'm kinda nervous. 

I've never been one to have a lot of friends before, or even meet new people. It's quite scary actually, for me at least. I always told myself to never let in people, because people can be mean. But maybe I was wrong, maybe meeting new people is a good thing, I let Wilbur in and well, hes not mean. 

Wilbur's different, he's kind, caring, and if you ask me, he's a pretty great friend. He makes sure everyone is comfortable, and safe. He's like a home, a home where you can be yourself and feel secured. 

I'm glad I have someone like that in my life.

I looked at the time on my phone, seven. Wilbur is supposed to be here in 30 minutes, I better finish getting ready. 




liked by wilbursoot, tommyinnit, georgenotfound, tubbolive, and 103,784 more

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liked by wilbursoot, tommyinnit, georgenotfound, tubbolive, and 103,784 more

caption- fit for dinner tonight whatcha think?

wilbursoot: you look stunning venus


venusbaby: thank you darling :)

tommyinnit: SWAG SWAG SWAG

nihaachu: you look wonderful venus!


venusbaby: omg is this THE niki, i love you


nihaachu: you're the cutest, i love you!


user2: venus getting noticed by niki aww, my heart :,)

user3: you look pretty!! <33

user4: wilbur and venus's friendship >>


I sprinted down the stairs with my bag on my shoulder, Wilbur was waiting for me outside and I didn't want to keep him waiting for so long since we we're already running late. 

"Bye Mum! I'll text you when I get to the restaurant!" I opened the door when my Mum came behind me and closed the door with her hand, "Mum, I have to go. Wilbur's outside."

"Venus it's been 2 weeks since you first went out with this boy, and I haven't even met him yet. Look, I stopped asking questions about what happened between you and Lucas but I think I have a right to know who my daughter is hanging out with." 

I sighed, "Okay, but you should know something..." 

My Mum stared at me, I took a deep breathe, "He doesn't know I have XP..."

My Mum's eyes furrowed, "Venus, how can you be friends with this boy if he doesn't even know something about you that he should know."

"It's embarrassing Mum! I've gotten called so many names and been cyber bullied online because of my XP, I don't want Wilbur to know I'm some freak who can't go in the sun because if I do I'll die, it's dumb! I just want to feel normal around him Mum, around his friends, please Mum, let me feel normal for once." 

She sighed, "Don't ever call yourself a freak, you're an amazing human being Venus. Having XP makes you, you. I won't tell him, I'll let you feel 'normal' for a little while longer, but you have to tell him. If he's really your friend, he won't make fun of you for it. If he does, then he isn't worth your time." 

I nodded, "Thank you Mum, and I will tell him, just not right now." 

She smiled, "I love you honey, now let me go say hi to him." 

I sighed, I opened the door and walked out to Wilbur's car, my Mum following behind me. Wilbur saw us and got out of the car and walked around it, he had that big smile on his face he always makes. The one that somehow always made my heart flutter like crazy. 

"Venus, looking amazing as always. Is this your Mum?" He looked over at her, "She is, she insisted on coming out here to meet you." 

He smiled, "It's nice to meet you Ms?" 

"Please, call me Katie. Venus has told me so much about you, she forgot the cute part though." She smiled

"Mum, stop." 

Wilbur chuckled, "Thank you Katie, I'll take care of  Venus. We're just going to dinner with some friends and then I'll have her back as soon as its over."

"Oh please, have fun! Make mistakes, get in trouble, do something crazy! Just make sure to have her back before sunrise, that's all I ask from you." 

He nodded, "Gotcha, you ready V?" He looked at me, "Mhm, bye Mum." I hugged her. 

"Bye dear, have fun!" She said sprinting inside. 

Wilbur opened the door for me and smirked, I rolled my eyes, "Shut up."

He chuckled, "She thinks I'm cute."

"Wilbur, shut up." I smiled, he winked at me before closing the door. 

Tonight was going to be a good night. 


a/n: i have to stay home for 10 days because my mom has covid, sucks but also like i never leave my house other then school, and i want my mom to feel better so i'll be fine. 

1098 words.

happily not so after || wilbur sootWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt