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wedding day, 1 year later -

"Taylor, are you done yet? we need to get your makeup and hair done and also get you into your dress. 3 hours to go, come on" I hear Maddie say from the other side of the door while I was in the bathroom.

I stare at the positive pregnancy test that was infront me.

I feel like this is a gift.

something about it is telling me it is.

it's my wedding day and ive just found out i'm pregnant.

It wasn't planned but me and Noah talk about kids and everything all the time and the future and everything so I think he will be happy.

talking of Noah. I'm getting married to him today. this is the best day of my life, I can feel it. marrying the guy I love to the moon and back and also finding out I'm carrying our child. It's amazing.

I try to calm my excited phase down before I put the test in my bag and go to leave the bathroom. nobody could know about this yet. I needed to tell him first and I can't really tell him while we are doing all the 'I do's.'

I sit in the chair and the hair dresser and makeup artist gets ready on my hair and makeup.

I had my hair in loose beautiful curls with a clip in the back bringing the two front bits back. I had makeup that made my eyes pop but not too glamorous because that wasn't me and I was about to get my dress on.

I look in the mirror and just take everything in.

I look amazing.

It brings a smile to my face.

I bring my hand to my stomach and caress my stomach knowing our little baby is growing inside of my tummy.

45 minutes until I'm Mrs Miller.

jeez that sounds good.

I go out the bathroom and all the brismaids and everyone are their staring at me with their mouths agape.

"you look stunning" Zoe says and I laugh gently doing a little spin.

we all get our things together and head in the car that was picking us up.

I didn't have anyone to walk me down the isle on my family at all so Taylor and Zoe was doing it.

unique for two people to be walking me down the isle? yes it is but they are my best friends so of course I would choose them.

I see the venue ahead and my eyes lit up.

the car parks up and I step out of it and just stare at the church infront of me with Taylor and Zoe on either sides of me.

we walk closer.

the music starts playing.

it's really happening.

like now.

oh my god.

okay, chill Taylor. CHILL.

must be the pregnancy hormones.

we walk up the steps and enter the church.

all eyes are on me.

I don't look at anyone else but the handsome man infront of me.

it was like it was just me and him in the moment.

everyone else was blocked out.

just me and him against the world.

my eyes stayed on him the whole time until the girls left my side and I gave them a smile before my eyes returned back on him.

"we are gathered today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Taylor May Johnson and Noah Bridge Miller." I hear the officiater say as everyone sits down. not like I'm paying attention. my only attention is on the man infront of me.

"Miss Johnson, you can start your vows" the man says and I take the little piece of paper out of my pocket because I can't remember all of these words. the piece of paper makes everyone laugh.

"Noah. If I hadn't got on that plane that time years ago we wouldn't have been here now. and honestly I don't know what I have would of done. you made me come out of my shell and made me be the best version of my self I can ever be. you saved me. and no words can actually explain the love I have for you and will always have. I'm sorry for everything being so cheesy but I don't care, I love you Noah." I say which makes everyone laugh, including the officiater.

I look into his eyes and he has water in them. tears building up. It made me smile.

it was now his turn.

"so, I didn't really write anything down because I know words are better from the heart or something, heard that somewhere.

Taylor. before I met you, I didn't know what love was. what it felt like to have someone that you would die for in the matter of seconds. what it felt like to love someone so deeply. and in the matter of meeting you I felt that instantly. I want to keep you safe and care for you as long as we both live. and I will do that. I love you Taylor." he finishes off. I look down before tears were coming to my eyes.

a few seconds later I turn my head and see Leo walking forwards in his little cute blue suit, with a tie that matched his brother and a cushion with the rings on in his hand.

"do you Noah Bridge Miller take Taylor May Johnson to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." The officiater says as he takes the ring from Leo and carefully placed it on my finger.

"I do."

"do you Taylor May Johnson take Noah Bridge Miller to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." I take the ring like he did and place it on his hand.

"I do."

I look up at him and a big smile comes on both of our faces.

"I pronounce you both husband and wife. you may kiss the bride" the man finishes off and before anyone could say any more he grabs my face and brings me in for a deep loving kiss.

"I love you." I say as my head rests on his.

"I love you too." he says back with a massive smile on his face.

The after party -

we just had our first dance and it was so magical.

everyone started talking and we took ourselves away from the dance floor hand in hand.

we walk over to where the drinks were.

"do you want a drink?" Noah says in a gentle voice turning to me with a smile.

"I can't really have an alcoholic drink. I think I'll stick to orange juice thanks." I say to him with a big grin on my face as I lean towards the jug of orange juice.

confusion fills his face until realisation washes over him.

"wait. your pregnant?" he says, a massive smile on his face but still in massive shock.

I nod and he comes closer towards me and lifts me up off the ground spinning me around. forgetting everyone else was here. It was our moment.

me, him and our little baby Miller.


a/n -


I will do an epilogue soon so look out for that one!

hope you enjoyed the story :-)

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