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I put my swimming things in my bag before I left because Noah said I might need them. Everyone was going in the pool and I went to get changed in the bathroom. It was this white floral swim set, really nice actually.

I head downstairs to go to the pool with everyone else.

"hey" Noah walks up to and says.

"hi" I say back smiling.

"you coming in the pool?" he says to me, asking me a question.

"I might just sit on the edge" I say to him and we both walk over to the pool. I sit on the edge with my feet in the water and he goes in the water come towards me.

"don't you like swimming?" he asks me while in the pool.

"yeah I do" I say back smiling.

"good" he says pulling me into the water and laughing to himself.

"hey, not cool" I say back, smiling and splashing him back. he just chuckles.

"hey, come underwater for a second" I say to him and we both go underwater.

when we're underwater, I go towards him and kiss him. He wasn't expecting it, you can tell he was shocked and it was quite amusing watching him being so shocked.

I break the kiss and I go back up so I'm not underwater any more. I get the hair out my face and then he comes up, still shocked.

"I'm going to get out now and dry off" I say to him smiling, he is still in shock.

I walk towards the pool steps and get out, I look back and he is in the same place but smiling this time.

I get a towel from the side and dry off and sit on the sun bed and start to read my book.

Zoe comes over to me and sits on the sun-bed next to me.

"hey girl" she said to me when she sat on the sun-bed.

"hey Zoe" I say back smiling and putting my book down.

"how are you liking Bali so far?" she says turning to me smiling.

"I love it, full of surprises so far" I say to her smiling. "good surprises, obviously" I say to her smiling still.

"I'm glad, Bali is incredible, I moved here about 3 years ago, never left since."

I just smile at her.

2 hours later and we just had food, it was so good. Noah's friends were very welcoming and it made me settle into Bali even more.

Me and Noah head back to the apartment complex, it was now 6pm. We planned to go there again tomorrow which I was happy about.

we got our the lift and head to our apartments.

"thanks for coming today" he says to me smiling.

"thanks for inviting me, I loved it" I say back.

he then comes closer to me and kisses me, probably because I kissed him in the pool.

he then breaks the kiss and starts smiling.

"Night Taylor" he says turning towards me while I was shocked like he was in the pool.

I then come back to reality and head to my apartment, with a smile on my face.

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