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"so, I'm Noah" he turns to me and says with another smile on his face, this dude smiles too much. but it was a nice smile. so I'm not complaining.. then I realise and I was staring into his brown eyes again, I need to stop doing this.

"and you are?" I think he might be a bit confused why I keep staring, but anyways, I snap back into reality and actually realise he was asking me what my name was.

"oh, uhh sorry about that" I slightly laugh nervously. "I'm Taylor"

"aha, don't worry about it" "and Taylor right? nice name" and he just smiles again.

then I start to read my book again, actually reading it this time, I was reading walking on sunshine, my favourite film but I was reading it this time.

Noah peers over my shoulder to see what I'm reading. "I like that film. my favourite one actually, I've never actually read the book of it though" he says while looking at the book then at me. while smiling. of course.

"really?! it's my favourite too! I wouldn't think you would be into things like that, like in films or stuff" I was actually so surprised it his favourite film as well as mine.

"I guess I'm different then? but come on, who wouldn't like that movie, it's amazing"

"I agree" I say smiling back at him, then looking back at my book smiling

5 minutes later I'm still reading my book and he is just staring at the book, or me I couldn't really tell.

"so, tell me something about your self. we are on this flight for a fare bit so mays well make friends right?" he says, taking my attention off my book and closing it. I turn around so I'm facing him and get comfy with my feet on the seat.

"well, okay so my life is a bit weird I guess? different then other people's.." I say looking down, I haven't told anyone my story, it's not that deep but I haven't had friends so I haven't spoke to people in a while, which is weird.

"hey it's okay. my life isn't that normal either" he moves closer just to tell me everything's okay and I look back up.

"okay so basically when I was 19 I moved out of my parents house, in an unusual way. They gave me two options wether to stay with them or move out and never see them again. And as a 19 year old, like it was a lot of pressure for me but I decided to move out, I was lonely and broke but I had college grades to get a good job so I did that, got a job in a restaurant, worked literally my whole week for a long time because I had nothing else to do. I had no friends but yeah that's it really.."

"oh damn. you know that's there loss right? You grew and made your own life without them. you should be proud of that. really proud." he says to me, you can tell he means it, smiling again.

"thanks, I haven't told anyone about it before, so you saying that means a lot" "so tell me about your self" I say looking at him, wondering what his life was about.

"okay so, I actually live in Bali and have done for 2 years, I love it there it's gorgeous. But before that I was living with my parents in the uk. I got a job to take but it was in Bali, and my parents literally forced me to take it knowing it was the best thing for me. which after moving there I realised it was. My family means everything for me so me moving out was the hardest thing ever. But I did it and here I am. That's why I'm on this plane now, I just came back from visiting my family, and now I'm going back home" he says, looking a bit sad but still smiling.

"You smile a lot you know? It suits you" I say smiling turning to put my book back in my bag. While I do that, I see in the corner of my eye him smiling again, at the comment I just made.

this mysterious dude was nice, I don't have any friends and didn't growing up so I don't know what's it like to have any. But meeting him showed me what having company of other people was like. And I liked it.

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