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day 2 of my bakery and I was still as excited as yesterday, less nervous obviously but very excited to just be in the same atmosphere as yesterday. I'm so glad I made this life choice like it was the best thing I did and I have my own bakery living in Bali, it's such a crazy experience but I loved it.

I get a knock on my door and I'm guessing it's Noah because nobody else knocks my door but him. I went to the door and opened it and it was Noah, like I guessed.

"hey, you okay?" I ask him he looked a bit out of comfort but was still smiling.

"I need to ask you something and it's been on my mind all night so if I don't ask you now then I'll go insane" he says really fast I grab him inside.

"hey what's wrong" I ask him while in the middle of my hallway and living room.

"we have known each other for a month and a bit now right?" he asks me a question.

"yeah, we have, why?"

"which normally is a bit fast but with you it's really different. I have never met anyone like you before who I get on with so well and someone who laughs at my jokes and everything and I really don't know how to say this but. I really like you, a lot and you probably knew that anyways because I've kissed you and everything but I really would like to take that step further and act like a couple and do things, I'm sorry I'm really not good with these things and I understand if you don't want to and everything but.. Taylor, will you be my girlfriend?" he says to me really fast, I was in shock and I didn't know what to do and what to say I was just stood there with my mouth wide open.

"i- uh-" I didn't know what to say and how to word it, I'm good with words.

"I have to go to work" I quickly take my stuff and walk out, of course I felt the same, I liked him so much more than I have with anyone else before but because I liked him so much I didn't know what to say and how to word it so I just walked out and I completely regretted it because now he's going to think I don't like him but I do.

I decided to speak to him later and tell him then because I needed time to think about what to say and I needed get to work so the bakery will help me think of what to say.

I get inside and turn the lights on and everything and I had a little bit of time before opening, 30 minutes really, quite a lot of time. I was just by the till writing on my notepad different things I had to do that day, that helped me a lot.

All of a sudden the door shot open and my eyes shot up as well in fear. these two men, dressed in black, fully masked up so you couldn't see their face had just barged into my bakery, looked like people you didn't want to mess with at all.

I lost my breath for a little bit, they just walked towards me and I didn't know what to do, it was just me, I was by myself.

"we do this the easy or hard way, give us all you have or somebody gets hurt" he says stepping forward and bringing out a gun from his pocket.

My breath hitched and I had tears in my eyes. I took a step back while shaking. I couldn't get my words out like I couldn't speak, I was that scared and was shaking that much I just couldn't get my words out. I just stand there hoping they wouldn't do anything.

"speak. up." he says with no emotion, well anger you could say stepping towards me.

I just stand still, I was unable to get my words out. I just step back hoping everything would be okay.

"you have 5 seconds" he says stepping towards me again

I just step back going into the shelf's, scaring my self I think, I couldn't get my words out, I was shaking so much. I just wished at that moment that Noah or at least anyone would walk in so I wouldn't get hurt.

but it was too late.

I look down and my stomach was dripping blood, a lot of blood.

he shot me.

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