15 4 0

I wake up slowly to see Noah not by my side. I wonder where he is?

I wake myself up a little bit and then Noah comes into the room.

"good morning, are you okay? feeling any better?" he asks me sitting next to me and playing with me hair.

"better than i was yesterday at least, it's just a lot to take in" I say to him and he nods understanding.

"I feel like I need to do something to take my mind of what happens yesterday" I say to him.

"I have an idea, which will take your mind of it but you might not like it" he says, making me look up at him.

"one word. bakery"

"ughh" I say into his chest because he was next to me.

"you can't just hide from it forever, even if it's scary because it will be but don't stop that from letting you still do the bakery okay?" he says and I nod. I knew he was right.

"so, what if we go to the bakery and I'll help you clean all the mess they made and then we can start again. open it again, forget all that happened before and start from scratch. I'll be with you every step of the way and I booked the next few weeks off work to help you okay." he says to me while I was lying on his chest.

"oh I love you-" I say, it just came out. I mean I did love him, of course I did he's  done so much for me but I didn't mean to say it then, I didn't think he felt the same way.

"um- I'm sorry, it just slipped out" I sit up and stutter a lot. oh my god. I've messed everything up.

he sits closer to me.

"I love you too" he says while slightly grabbing my cheek and kissing me.

we both break away and he smiles.

"right, bakery time" he says and I nod hesitantly.

I was scared, I knew the people who shot me were in prison and all but it's just scary, but I came this far with trying to I get that god damn bakery so I'm not going to give it up.

I get myself ready and Noah goes to his apartment to do the same.

I meet him outside and we head down to reception to head down the bakery.

we get down the street and I start to get nervous but I kept on waking anyways.

We get outside and I just stand still for a second starring at it.

Noah grabs my hand "your okay, come on" he says leading me inside.

I get inside and it was like nothing changed. Like I wasn't shot. Like those men didn't make the mess. It was better you could say. All the mess was gone and it was re decorated, like wooden and beach like, it was incredible.

"surprise!" Maddie, Zoe, Elis and Zac say all together.

"we thought it was a good idea to clean everything that happened up and re decorate it all so when you work like normal all the memories won't come back and it will be like none of that happened" Maddie says walking towards me.

I just go up to her and give her a hug, I have the best friends. and boyfriend.

a/n -
bit of a short one, sorry :(
hope your enjoying the story :)

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