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Noah's pov -
I had all these emotions going in but all I knew for sure is that I needed to get to the airport in time because if I don't then she will be gone. forever.

I quickly take an Uber that was just down the road and head to the airport. I kept telling the Uber driver to hurry up. there was nothing much he could do but I needed to get there asap.

I see the airport ahead but we was in traffic. I quickly tell him to stop the car, hand him money. didn't really count how much and jumped out of his car to run to the airport so I could get there quicker.

I run into the airport and I didn't know where to find her.

I checked security. she wasn't there. checked front desk. she wasn't there.

I then turned my head and looked at the baggage area, and she was there. about to walk up to the lady to take her suitcasss away.

I knew as soon she gave her suitcases to the lady then she would be getting that plane.

"TAYLOR" I shout, running towards her. yes heads turned my way. did I care? no.

"Noah? what are you doing here?" she asked me. she was shocked, really shocked.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I took my dads death hard because of how close I was with him and took it out on you. The person who made my life better and was trying to help but I declined your help because I didn't want to drag you into my problems. I was planning on talking to you tomorrow but I needed time to do that because I knew how hard it was going to me. I've always loved you. even if I said I didn't when you was at my door. I did. With everything. but i was grieving and took it all out of you when I shouldn't have. p-please. whatever I have to do, just don't go. please don't go. I don't know if I'll be able to live without you." I say quickly because I was really out of breath from running.

she dropped her stuff in front of her. her luggage and everything.

she ran up to me and grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss.

I pick her up resting her legs round my waist.

she hides her head in the crook of my neck.

"I've missed you so much." she said hugging me tighter.

god I've missed that voice.

"don't do that again okay" she says taking a sigh of relief.

"I promise. I love you so much I hope you know that." I say, if I didn't come here she would be gone. all because of me.

"does this mean your not going to Manchester" I say. still hugging her.

"No, just promise me if there is anything going on let me help you okay. you've helped me through a lot and I want to do the same. wether or not if you think you need help from other people" she says,  she was right.

"I promise." I say hugging her one last time and placing her down.

"there's one problem" she says. a smile appearing on her face.

"what is it?" I say intrigued.

"I don't have my apartment anymore because I thought i was going to Manchester. so.." she says, a big smile forming on her lips.

"what are you suggesting?" I say, I knew what she was on about. I smiled.

"well unless you want me to live on the beach I'm going to have to live with you" she says crossing her arms smiling deeply.

"I guess you will have to" I say smiling, pulling her into a kiss.

Taylor's pov -
I was so glad he came. If he hadn't of I would be on the plane right now. I am so glad he came to his senses the time he did.

I sorted my luggage out and the first thing I did is email the place about the Manchester apartment. telling them that I won't be coming.

I was finally happy again.

with him.

we both get in the Uber and head back to the apartment. I laid my head on his shoulder. smiling of course.

"I've missed you." I say randomly, quietly because there was an Uber driver in the car.

"I've missed you more." he says playing with my hair making me smile.

we get to the apartment complex and head to his apartment, it wasn't the cleanest. no sign of alcohol so he must have stopped that which is good. It just needed a good clean.

we both just stand there.

"what about, you start unpacking and make it taylor-fied and I'll start with this mess. A good clean will help I think" he says looking over to me smiling.

I nod. "I agree" I say.

I walk into his room and start to unpack my clothes and everything. I had a picture of me and him in a frame in my suitcase so I put that on the bedside table.

I cleaned his room a little for him. well our room.

opened the curtains and everything.

I put my empty suitcase to the side and went in the living room to see all the kitchen spotless and clean and almost the living room.

I smile at him and he smiles back.

we both finish cleaning and we both cuddle on the sofa watching Netflix.

"are you going to your dads funeral?" I say softly.

"yeah. I will be. my family want it perfect so it will be in like a while. maybe 6 months to a year time. which is okay, but we all need to get used to the fact he's gone and get it perfect for him before we do him a proper send off so it will take time." he says.

"that makes sense" I say looking up to him and grabbing his hand.

"I'll always be there for you okay." I say smiling.

he leans in and we kiss.

"I love you tee" he says breaking away from the kiss leaning his forehead on mine.

"I love you more." I say back causing him to smile.

life was good again, finally.

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