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As soon as those words came out of the nurses mouth I ran straight into the room, my friends stayed still understanding I wanted to see and speak to her first.

I run into the room to see her awake, she looked a little weak but she was awake.

"taylor" I say running over to her.

"your awake, I've missed you so much" I say forming tears in my eyes, she holds my hand.

"yes" is all she says looking towards me.

"yes? what do you mean?" I say rubbing her hand.

"yes I'll be your girlfriend. remember you asked me and I just ran off to work" she saying smiling lightly

"I-" she cuts me off to her fingers to my lips telling me to be quiet.

"I wanted to tell you when you asked me but I'm not good with telling people how I feel and my feelings so I couldn't, then we I got to work I felt really bad because I thought you would think that I don't like you when I do. but I couldn't tell you after work or something because this happened.. and I was so worried that I couldn't tell you how I actually felt, life's too short and this is the proof" she says smiling.

I just go towards her, grab the side of her face gently and kiss her. I was so happy, is didn't think she felt the same, but she did.

I pull back and she's smiling.

"I'm not finished" she says and grabs my face for another kiss I just laugh.

"I've missed you so much" I say while playing with her hair.

"as you should" she said with a smirk on her face I just laugh.

"do you remember what happened?" I ask her

"y-yeah" she stutters looking down

"hey it's okay, we will find whoever did this to you" I reassure her and she looks up and smiles.

few seconds later all my friends come in.

"I was so worried about you" Maddie says going up to her and giving her a hug.

Then Zoe goes over and gives her a hug too.

"Hi Taylor, I was just wondering if you could give us any information on what happened" 2 police officers walked in and said to Taylor.

"y-yeah, I can do that" she says messing with her fingers. All my friends go to give her some space but she wanted me to stay, so I did.

"It was the morning, got ready for work and everything and left. Got in my bakery and set everything up then all of a sudden these two tall men came in dressed in black and masks on. They wanted the till money I think, they said something on the lines of "give us all you have or something will happen" then they pulled out a gun. I couldn't get my words out because of how fearful I was so I had to stay silent. Then next thing I know they had shot me in the stomach" she says while I hold her hand for support, that couldn't have been easy.

"thanks Taylor, I'll give you some space and come see you another time" the police officer said and left her room.

I just get out my seat and give her a hug, looked like she needed it.

I just spend the next 3 hours talking and just being with her. she was shook up from the whole situation, you could tell.

The nurse that has been caring for Taylor starts to walk in, both of our attention goes to her.

"Hi Taylor, we have run some tests and your healing well, really well. You should be able to be discharged in the next couple of days considering you have healed quite quickly. You might need a little physio on your legs but apart from that your doing great." The nurse says and I was relieved she was going okay.

I look I've to her and she is smiling, then the nurse leaves.

We just spend the night reading her favourite book, we watched a film and just talked. God I was so happy she woke up.

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