How a bond starts

Comincia dall'inizio

Ro- Yeah?

Shrey- That time.

Ro- Okay so you started admiring me when I won against the team you led?
He said chuckling.

Shrey- No bhaiya, do you not remember?
He said shocked.

Ro- What exactly?
He said with a cheeky smile, he knew.

Shrey- You want to make me say it don't you?

Ro- Maybe.
He laughed.

Shrey- That time I was horribly upset over losing.
He averted his eyes.

Ro- Ahm, over losing or angry on me for winning?

Shrey- Kind of. I mean it was the first time we had reached the finale and to our extreme badluck our opponents had to be the mighty MI, the team that won every finale that they ever reached.
I wanted to win but MI had thrashed us the last three matches we had met in the same season, so I kinda knew.

Rohit smiled but looked at the young boy with so much admiration.
Ro- It was also the first time Delhi reached the finale right? Whose captaincy was it? You!
You got the team to the finale, isn't that a great thing as a a captain?

Shrey- Can I tell you a better stat? Bringing a flaundering team to the finale for the first time and winning it.
You know who did it?

Ro- Who?
It genuinely hadn't struck him anyway.

Shrey- A certain someone who then when on to win 4 more trophies and the last one against me.
Rohit laughed at him speaking like a fan boy.

It had to be the captain who also won every finale it reached, even as just a player.

Ro- What does that even mean?

Shrey- Well you also won a trophy with Deccan chargers as a player.

Ro- Oh yeah, I am so connected to Mi that sometimes I forget I even played for any other team. You have great research.
He said amused.

Shrey- I was with Delhi for 6 years and now I am kkr's captain... I don't know if I'd be able to...

Ro- What? You don't know if you'd be able to, after what all you've done right now? If there are two people that have impressed entire India in these last few months, then it's you and SKY.
I am scared of facing you in ipl, that's your form!
And you have captained Delhi too, why are you scared?

Shrey hugged Ro by his side, he knew he could count on this man.

Shrey- How did you feel when you first captained MI?
He asked innocently.

Ro- Crazy nervous, I was in daze. I became captain mid season, I had big shoes to fill, Ricky Ponting!
Luckily I had my best friend with me. Virat and I started captaining our teams in the same year, I had him, he had me, we just sailed through it.
And you're not alone too, what if we're all playing against each other? You have us both.

Shrey- How do you do it bhaiya? Infact, how do you both do it?

Ro- Do what?

Shrey- Make us feel better. You and Virat bhaiya always know what to say. Y
ou both are literally the modern legends of the game and yet you both never fail to make us feel good. You're both too humble.
You both have so many uncountable favours on all of us.

Ro- Really shrey? I am doing a favour here? And then there was me who thought you were my kiddo, well so sorry for that misunderstanding!
He said fake stern.

Shrey- No bhaiyaa! I am your kiddo.
He said immediately and Ro ruffled his hair.

Ro- That you are, aur we're not doing any favour on you all, tum sab ka hakk hai humpe, you'll are allowed to ask us for attention or just be with you.

Shrey- You know what? I am going to do that.
Every month we will both come out like this secretely and have a session like this.

Ro- Okay.
He smiled.

Shrey- Without anyone else, just the two of us.

Ro- Okay baba, just both of us.

Shrey- Oh also... Umm... I met Jad bhai and Rish on the way.

Ro- so they know?

Shrey- No... I actually half said it but covered it up nicely.
He said proud of his coverup.

Ro- Which was?

Shrey- I was going to meet a certain Rohini.

Ro- WHAT!?

Shrey- See I already said Roh so I had to improvise.

Ro- which you are too bad at! Please!
Rohit started laughing uncontrollably.

They walked back to the hotel still laughing at that.

Heyyy! I don't know how I write about not RohiRat so I don't know if this was any nice! But I hope you like it!

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