Chapter 22

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taking a shower at night, yan rong came out of the bathroom with her hair wet, and her roommate who was playing with her mobile phone said, "just now your phone rang."

he answered, wiped his hair a few more times, climbed onto his bed on the top bunk and took his phone to see, it was a message from berto, as usual, concerned about his recent health and study.

he replied seriously: "i just went to take a shower." i am in good health, i don't have a hard time studying, and recently i was practicing words, and the teacher said that i had made great progress.

probably berto had something on hand, yan rong waited for a while and did not move, then sent another message: "brother botu, you should also pay attention to your body, good night." botu really cared

about him, but he had a ghost in his own heart, and he felt worried every time he faced bertu's kindness.

he sat on the bed, his back against the wall and looked at his mobile phone, and there was a photo album full of photos of liang xi, which he had not secretly taken, but photos or stills that he had downloaded from the internet.

but this album he had not opened for a while, and he had rarely thought of liang xi recently.

but the number of times i wanted to think about wang jin was increasing.

from one bad thing to another bad thing.

tomorrow is friday, will wang jin still be waiting for him at the school gate when school is over?

today, wang jin specially ran to take him to cut his hair, what was the reason?

because wang jin missed him.

although it was only one day to the weekend, wang jin just couldn't wait for this day.

when he heard the nurses chatting about february 2nd going to do his hair, he immediately thought that yan rong's hair was a little long. <

it's time to cut it, just so i can meet it.

the last time i was full of anticipation and freshness for someone like this was more than a decade ago.

at that time, it was possible to say why, but now it is not clear at all.

does he love yan rong? a teenager, it's ridiculous to say love.

he likes yan rong to be young and beautiful, the bed is full of charms, and the bed is innocent and cute, but to say that he only has a physical liking for yan rong, it seems that it is not all right.

he hoped that yan rong would become more and more confident and happy with him, and that he would be able to have a happy and beautiful life when he was separated from him in the future.

...... this is a bed companion relationship that is detached from low-level fun.

selfless and great.

this conclusion made himself thunder for half a moment before he came back to his senses.

on friday, he picked up yan rong and took yan rong to dinner.

last week they went to eat cantonese cuisine, last week it was northeast cuisine, and this week they came to a fujian restaurant.

although yan rong did not say it, according to wang jin's observation, he was full of interest in several major cuisines of chinese food.

when ordering, yan rong pointed to the turtle soup on the first page and asked, "what is a turtle?"

wang jin explained, "it's a turtle." yan rong was

even more unclear, the waitress smiled next to her, and he was not embarrassed to ask again, pointing to the menu: "i want this." the

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