"I won't", Hawks grinned, "Will you two cut it out", Dabi said in annoyed tone. "Someone jealous?", "I don't get jealous, cut it out Rain", his eyes stayed on the road.

"Well, you're looking pretty jealous", I said with a laugh. "Rain, cut it out", he raised his voice. "We fucked once, I don't belong to you", I said in defense.

In one sudden motion he pulled over and slammed on the breaks. I smirked, knowing I got to him.

"Get out of the car", he demanded, "Fuck you, no", I looked him up and down, "OUT NOW!!", he yelled. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"The fuck is your problem?!", I looked him up and down. He grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the car towards a tree.

"Watch that fucking mouth of yours", he snapped, rage in his deep blue eyes. "Fuck you", I glared at him.

He grabbed my jaw, pulling my face closer to his. "I said, watch that pretty mouth of yours", he said in a deep tone. "Or what?", I said slowly, my eyes burning into his.

"Or you'll regret it", his eyes narrowed. "Get your hands off me", I spat, his hand left my jaw and he stepped back. Both of us on fire with anger.

Our eyes glaring at one another's, anger in our minds and bodies. In one sudden motion, we rushed to one another, our lips crashing. I held onto him tightly as he kissed me aggressively. My body heating by the second as the kiss intensified.

I pushed him back, "Fuck you", I started to walk off, I felt his hand slap my ass. I tried to suppress a smile and shook my head.

Dabi pulled over at a motel on the side of the road, we grabbed our things and checked in.

"I saw a bar not too far from here, let's go out", I said as I threw a jacket on. "We're still close to New York, you might get recognized", he paused, "We can't risk it". I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"I'm tired of being cooped up I need to do something", I complained. "I don't give a shit, we can't risk it", he said plainly.

We approached the bar together, I had on one of his hoodies and some sunglasses to hide my identity.

"This is a bad idea", he sighed and followed me inside, "We're in the middle of fucking nowhere, relax". The bar had a few older people in it, a haze of cigarette smoke clouded the room.

"Two shots of tequila", I said to the bartender, Dabi sat beside me. The man placed two shot glasses down and poured the liquor.

With no hesitation I threw the shot back, "Fuck that's good", I said quietly.

I noticed a news channel on the TV, specifically who was on the screen. It was Bakugo and Deku.

"Hey can you turn that up?", I pointed to the TV, "Rain don't-", "Shhh", I shushed Dabi.

"Rain if you're watching this, please come home, we're worried about you", Deku said to the camera. "We'll find whoever took you, we know you didn't do anything wrong just come home", Bakugo said into the interviewers microphone.
"Please", Bakugo added, his voice sad and tired.

My face dropped slowly. My eyes fell, "Hey what's-", "Can I get a whiskey neat please, make it a double", I cut Dabi off.

I chugged the glass full of straight liquor. "Rain", Dabi whispered, "Don't", I said sternly, my eyes ahead of me.

"We need to talk ab-", I covered his mouth with my hand, "No we don't, and I need another drink".

After a few hours I had lost count of how many drinks I had. All I knew it was one too many, because I could not see straight.

 Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dabi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now