Nadiya didn't understand why they laughed at what she said. She stared at them with a scrunched eyebrow. Did they find her naive because she declined? She can't even say! She anyway brushed the thoughts and maintained a normal face.

"Don't argue my dear." Her mother said with a chortle.

"Go dear." Hajiya A'ee added.

"Okay. Thank you." She said with a smile and exit the living room.

Upon reaching outside, she saw the driver coming out of the car. The poor thing doesn't know he'll go back into the car again.

"Assalamu Alaykum Habu." She greeted.

"Wa'alaykum Salam Nadiya. Do you need anything?"

"Yes. I want you to drop me somewhere please. Do you mind?"

"No off course not. Are you ready to leave now?"


"Okay get in." He said while getting in and she sat in the passenger's seat and he started the car.


On their way, Nadiya bought a bagful of different fruits for Zaliha. Soon, they reached their destination and Nadiya could tell that the man looked shocked that this is actually the place she wanted to come to when she informed him.

He must probably think of her as a spoiled brat.

Oh well...

She exited the car and thanked him. She reached for the gate and opened it. She saw the gateman sleeping on his bench. she shrugged and proceeded to the main door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Zaliha's mother in the living room. She flashed her a smile and Nadiya greeted her.

"How are you Nadiya? And your mom?"

"We're all fine Alhamdulillahi. How's Zaliha's health doing?" She asked.

"Alhamdulillah she's doing well. She's in her room you can go and see."

"Okay Aunt."

"Zaliha?" Is the first thing she said the moment she entered the room. She saw her best friend lying in the bed, covered with a blanket even when there is so much heat. She looks weak and not too well. She feels so sorry for her. She even lost a bit of weight. By her face, you could tell.

"Wa'alaykum Salam." Zaliha joked weakly while trying to get up.

"How are you feeling?" She sat next to her and touched her forehead.

"Alhamdulillah I'm a bit better unlike before." She replied.

"I was so worried about you." Nadiya said sadly.

"Don't worry..." She trailed off because of a sudden cough that escalated her throat.

Nadiya quickly checked the room and found a jug of water by the side drawer. She quickly fetched some in a glass cup and handed it to her while making her sit. Zaliha immediately gulped it down and kept the cup by the side.

"Are you okay?" Nadiya asked.

"Yes." She replied groggily.

"You're really not feeling too well. We should go to the hospital for treatment."

"I went to the hospital two hours ago to get injection."

"That's why you're still feeling the pain of the injection. But why didn't you choose medication?" Nadiya asked.

"Because the doctor said the medication can't be taken orally, it can only be given by injection." She explained and the more she talks, the less her voice sounds.

"Oh. I hope you get better soon and stand on your feet my dear."

"Amin. I also hate to see myself like this." She complained.

"I'm sorry I didn't even get you anything." Zaliha said apologetically.

"Hey you don't need to, especially in this situation you're in. The only thing you need is rest and only that." She said with a smile.
"Here are some fruits I bought. Which one will you like to have?" Nadiya said while trying to open the bag.

"Thank you so much Nadiya. Do you have banana there?"

"Yes. Let me bring it out." She brought a bunch of bananas and began removing the peel. She handed one to Zaliha and left to get plates and a knife to put the fruit on top. She cut the watermelons into a square shape, then the orange in a slice, same with the apples. Lastly is the banana which she didn't cut but left it in the nylon.

"So much fruits! Oh Nadiya thank you but you shouldn't have stress yourself." Zaliha said.

"Please stop saying all this and eat. I want you to eat them all now."

"Okay." She knew she needed not to argue because Nadiya meant what she said. She began eating the watermelons and then the apples, she ate some of the orange and finally stopped eating, saying she's okay. Nadiya didn't listen until Zaliha told her she could vomit if she eats too much.

Nadiya put all the fruits in the fridge and sat back down on the bed next to Zaliha who is now lying down. They chatted more, Zaliha talking incoherently every now and then. Nadiya assumed she's feeling sleepy, so she made sure she bade her goodbye and left the room to go back home.

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