Chapter 22. The Gala - Part 2

Start from the beginning

Daphne shook her head. "It is hard to believe that you and that brother of yours were raised by the same parents."

Sunday smiled.  "My mother encouraged individualism and Dad knew better than to challenge her in our upbringing.  She loved us all, and celebrated our uniqueness.  I don't have to tell you that Linden was and still is the most unique of all of us."

"Wise woman, your mother.  And  your dad look so dashing tonight.  I am tempted." Daphne teased.

Sunday laughed.  "Make your move, I am sure Daddy won't mind but my brother would." 

Daphne hissed her teeth.  "Rick? Oh girl please." 

"What do you think that woman Didi Rawlings is saying to Linden?" Sunday asked.  

"Hard to tell, she had quite a few drinks already.  He is probably congratulating her on her ability to hold her liquor." 

The two women couldn't stop laughing.  Knowing Linden, they could imagine what he was saying to Didi.  Gem walked over to them. They knew her reputation for twisting the facts.

"And what do you two find so funny? Care to share?" Gem asked

The two women looked at each other and busted out laughing as they walked away from Gem.  


Everything was going well, when Eric saw Didi from the corner of his eyes, walking towards him and Tanya.  'Holy fuck, how did Linden let her get away?'

"Tanya, how nice to finally meet you; I have heard so much about you my dear," Didi said extending her hand.  The woman had a slight southern American accent.  She was Caucasian, a beautiful brunette with striking blue eyes.  She was wearing a knee length  black dress with a low V in the back, exposing a well defined back and which hugged her in all the right places.  Tanya immediately felt  an attack of jealousy.  

Tanya looked to Eric. 'Could this be her on the phone that night?'   She couldn't be sure if that was the accent she heard.

Tanya this is Didi Rawlings, a client of ours; Didi this is my wife Tanya," Eric said.

'Hmm, he calls her by her first name, Didi'

The women stared at each other. Didi was the first to respond.

"Your husband talks of nothing but you; and now I understand why; you are absolutely beautiful," Didi said. A woman paying another woman such compliment, this was new, Eric thought.

"You have something up on me. He has never mention you and you are absolutely beautiful too," Tanya said and looked at her husband.

"Didi is new to the island; she has contracted with our firm to build her a vacation home on the coast," Eric explained.

"And where do you currently hail from?" Tanya asked.

"I am from the Carolinas in the United States, South Carolina to be exact but my business is headquartered in Atlanta."  

"And what brought you to the island Miss Rawlings?" Tanya asked.

"Please call me Didi; and it is the usual, just looking for a place to unwind from a hectic life. I am an entrepreneur; I have a global jewelry business but is thinking seriously of calling the island home," Didi said. "By the way, congratulations," Didi said.

"Excuse me," Tanya said.

"On the new baby," Didi said.

"Oh the twins," Tanya said and rubbed her belly. Didi seemed surprised.

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