Spatial awareness skill activated✓

The sword became a piercing force that obliterated the soldiers again and it perfectly hit two Generals on their backs.

They dropped dead on the ground and my longsword made its way to Essos' personal guards.They stepped up infront of Essos and shielded him with their bodies.They used the shields on their left arms and tried blocking my longsword.

The longsword just pierced through their shields and chests impaling them together like meat skewers.The longsword faded  into thin air and reappeared on my hand when i equipped it again.

I enchanted my sword again and twirled it as fast as i could to generate a man made whirlwind.I heard Crescia and North started bickering.I narrowed my eyes due to the harsh winds.

"H-hey how could you look at my thighs like that!?"

"W-what?No!I just got distracted by the wind."

"Then l-look away!"

"Yeah!I-i will!"

I shook my head and just threw my longsword at the two remaining generals.The whirlwind around the longsword made the soldiers flew harshly and it hits the generals who almost reached Essos.


Undead Soldiers:

I saw Essos finally stood up from his seat and parried the longsword upwards using his staff.The whirlwind vanished and i equipped the longsword again back to my grasps.

"He's coming."I warned them and deactivated all the enchant spells i casted including the one on Crescia.I grabbed 3 mana potions and drank them all to replenish all the mana i've used so far.

"Undo the barrier."I commanded Crescia who looked a bit hesitant."Trust me."I added and she obliged.

The divine dome slowly vanished around us and Crescia sighed in relief."My body feels refreshed a bit from the weight of maintaining the spell's effect.Still,it's weird staring at these undead soldiers."She secretly hid behind North.

"Take some potions to recover your health and mana because right now we will fight Essos and his soldiers for real."I suggested and they both quickly grabbed some potions from the party storage.

North took 1 mana potion and 3 health potions then drank them.Crescia took 2 mana potion and consumed it too.

Party Storage
Level 1

Health potions 22x

Mana potions 19x

A green light shone directly on us and North quickly jumped in front of me with his silver shield.I quickly casted a temporary enchantment on his shield.

North has been enchanted✓

Defense stats will increased by 100% temporarily

A dark green beam were fired at us and North shielded us from it.The impact caused a loud explosion and i can hear Crescia coughing from the smoke that covered us.

"D-damn,even with your enchantment i can still feel the sheer power of that single spell."North stated in amusement and intimidation.It's probably one of Essos' attack spell.

The smoke faded and the soldiers are starting to deteriorate.My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and i looked at Crescia if she have an idea on what's going on.

"I-impossible."Crescia blurted out and looked at me."This is Soul Absorption!!A magical ability of Soul Warding Magic."Gulat at kinakabahang sagot niya sa amin ni North.

Quest Updated!!

-Defeat Essos the Lord of the Undead
-Purify the Archlich with Divine Power

-Defeat his Noble Knight


A loud monstrous scream echoed around the dark and empty plains.We heard several footsteps coming from the darkness and it was heading toward us.

I gripped on my longsword and staff tightly.

Is this where the real battle starts??

—To be continued...

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