May the Kemetic gods of sexuality be in Kiyoni's favor. Virgins who are completely clueless in bed are a waste of Kiyoni's time and energy.

The next morning. All Saints Day. A map on the pamphlets provided directions to one of the two most prominent Christian churches in the country, Lighthouse Tokyo. An international and inter-dimensional house of worship for locals and tourists alike both human and yokai. All forms of Christianity were welcome in this house of God.

"Holy shit," Kiyoni observed, "This place is huge!"

On the outside, the building's steeple was shaped like a lighthouse with a prominent, golden cross in front, all attached to a dome-like mini arena. The entire silver-colored structure was surrounded by an organized pattern of chrysanthemums and poinsettias to symbolize the holiday season.

Further surveillance produced multiple members entering through the gold-plated doors as the welcoming bell tolled. On one side of the entrance was Brother Touya accompanied by a young nun to play the role of greeters. Kiyoni could feel the nervousness build within her midsection upon approaching the doors. At least she dressed the part for today. A soft orange jacket over an ivory-colored, mid-thigh length, turtleneck sweater dress over a pair of black leggings and the same boots from last night became the outfit of choice. A natural-style makeup look and a wash-and-go style totally changed Kiyoni's frame of mind from seduction to camaraderie. Today, Kiyoni will not be the tempting succubus she tried to be last night. Today, Kiyoni will be the friendly succubus.

"Excuse me," Touya affirmed, "I remember you. You spoke with the deacon last night."

"Yeah," Kiyoni confirmed, "That would be me. This is the lighthouse church, right?"

"Yes," announced the nun with a pleasing smile, "I'm Sister Yukina. Nice to meet you."

Sister Yukina also had a winter-like appearance to her, similar to Touya. Kiyoni adored the fuzzy, white earmuffs Yukina wore along with a pair of matching gloves.

"Ikeda Kiyoni. Same. Are the two of you siblings? You kinda look alike."

"Oh, no. Far from it. We're ice apparitions. You may have seen our ice sculptures around town. Have you come seeking salvation?"

"Those were done by you?! Wow! Now I have something to look forward to within the next month at least. However, I'm good in the salvation department, thank you. I'm here out of an invitation, actually."

"Deacon Minamino invited her here," Touya informed.

"How wonderful," Yukina emitted, "I'm honored to witness the turnout our deacon has created. Warms my heart to see it. We're pleased to have you here. Please enjoy today's service."

"Thank you," Kiyoni entered, "Blessings to you both."

"Thank you. May God bless you as well."

That didn't make sense, Touya speculated. Last night, she was flirtatious. Now she's...cordial?

Inside the massive church, people were settling themselves in, filling in the rounded pews left and right. Above them, the sun slowly peeked through the lotus-shaped, crystal-cut glass ceiling creating rainbows of multiple sizes along the walls and through the stained-glass panels.

"You have got to be kidding me," Kiyoni whispered to herself.

In front, a large image of The Last Supper displayed behind a large, hanging golden cross with pews for the choir sitting on the ground in between the two. In two, neighboring corners, technicians do a quick run-through of the two large video screens so that the sermon can be displayed and broadcasted in both English and Japanese, and up above the congregation sat the camera crew ready for their live telecast. Overall, it was one big, overly-hyped production according to Kiyoni.

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