All Hallows Eve

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 "What's going on," shrieked a scared and confused young woman found lying in the cold, damp fields of the Japanese countryside, "What's happening?"

"We have to go," a male friend hurriedly suggested, "We can't stay here. We have to go now!"

The woman looked to her left and the visions she saw were horrifying. Blurred images of her closest friends attacked and taken down by complete strangers. Merciless screams of agony and torture accompanied by the sights and sounds of peril, senseless murder, and bright lights. It was only an engagement party. Why did the night have to end like this? With death? 

An answer couldn't be found for all the woman heard was her name, "Kiyoni...! KIYONI...!"

"Yo, Kiyoni," beckoned a female friend, "Yoooo! Earth to Kiyoni!"

Back to reality, "Huh? What?"

"Damn, girl. That's the third time you've spaced out tonight. Everything alright?"

Shibuya district, Tokyo. Halloween was in full swing and the city knew it. Just about every inch of the neighborhood was filled with a combination of tourists and locals either dressed for the holiday, making their way home, or just out and about. Kiyoni and her friends were a part of the dressed-up crew...sort of. 

"I'm fine," she said, "I'm just hungry. If I don't find someone or something to satisfy me, I'm gonna pass the hell out."

"Maybe you're just not looking hard enough," words coming from Juri. 

She, too, was on the hunt tonight. Both women were employees of a nightclub near the Shibuya train station called Aphrodisia. An adult entertainment hotspot where patrons can indulge themselves in their most lustful desires with little to no questions asked. An establishment full of the sexiest and most libido-raising dancers and entertainers east of the Atlantic. One of the biggest draws to the club is its employees. Juri, Kiyoni, and about ten others are all the walking epitomes of lust, incubi and succubi. Beautiful and alluring on the outside and on the streets but nasty and perverted in the sheets. On this Halloween night, Juri and Kiyoni were assigned marketing duties, handing out fliers to passers-by promoting the club's holiday special. Juri was dressed as a sexy siren to lure some sailors into her sea of sexuality while Kiyoni stepped out as an enticing black widow spider looking to string someone into her web of seduction.

"Oh, I'm looking," Kiyoni retorted, "Trust me, I'm looking." 

The assignment wasn't too bad. There were some men who were genuinely interested while others scoffed at both the idea and the girls. Women, who were intrigued by the idea, turned it down out of fear of either society or men. So old school.

"Ugh, this area is dryer than my pussy," announced a fellow succubus blessed in the breast department. Neither her figure, her blonde hair, nor her blue eyes could attract a mate tonight.

"We'll find someone, Aiko," Kiyoni assured, "We have to."

"This coming from someone who spaced out three times tonight? I doubt it."

"Damn. When did my daydreaming become a problem?"

"Since tonight. You know Halloween is like our Christmas and right now, we're not even getting charcoal."

Juri added, "Or anything hard."

"Okay, okay, okay," Kiyoni insisted, "How about this? We spread out and find someone to feed on...on our own."

"I'm for that," Aiko concurred, "I think I saw a few western tourists at a bar."

"Ooh," Juri inquired, "Were they cute?"

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