Dr. Kahiye

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Chapter 29                                       
Unexpected Secrets                                   
To be honest I didn't know what to expect about a bunch of teens saving the world. The fact that Ziira was there with them also gave me ideas. How do I know Ziira? Let's just say I'm the one that did it. Okay look, might as well explain this now, I'm the one that delivered Luna and Ziira when their mom was in labor. I never told her parents about Ziira, me and my "science partner" (Not my husband) kidnapped her because of a certain reason, we just couldn't take Luna. Ziira did run away and we never found her again, but there she was 10 years later.
    Me and my fellow scientists were doing surgery on Luna. We tried everything, chopping the bite off, sucking the zombie venom out of her, nothing worked.
"I don't know what to do anymore!" Someone screamed.
"How come the cure didn't work on her!"
"You know why." I said.
"True, but how do we know that's the reason?"
"If that moon comes, why not kill her now?" Someone else said.
"If she turns into a zombie everyone else would, if that moon comes then disaster, we have to kill her." I explained.
"And her friends."
"How should we do it?"
"Blow them up," I suggested, "There's bombs on the top floor."
"I mean it could work..."
"We could trap them in one room, then blow up the building." I suggested.
"We'll get it ready."
    Everyone walked out of the room and I stared at Luna who was lying on the bed. I stroked her long hair, "Oh you poor little moon, too bad you won't be able to do what you want to do."
    I began to walk out but froze in the doorway. I looked back at her, then grabbed her purple knife out of my pocket and put it in her hands, "I guess making that blood monster didn't kill you." Then I walked out of the room.
    I held my stomach when I felt a kick, she was eager to get out. Once I felt the nudge I thought of the note my husband wrote before he died. I would name my next daughter James, after him. And yes, my next daughter. My first daughter I gave away at birth, 12 years ago. I didn't know what to do then, I was young...but I care less and less about her every day.
"Dr. Kahiye," Came the voice of my secretary, Angalina, "We have some guests that claim they know Sasha and the rest of the girls, Ashley and Zach along with four dogs, Venus, Trouble, Neptune, and Lucky."

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