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Chapter 22                                       
Purple banana                                       
Trouble finally noticed the house was in flames after I have been screaming at her for like 10 minutes. We jumped out of the truck and ran towards the highway to get away from the fire. We stopped at the gas station to think of a plan.
After a few minutes we decided to go home and see how things were. We knew that we had to go across Nevada but it would be worth it in the end.
It's been a whole day now and we are almost there. I am so excited to finally be back home.
We got home and Trouble started barking at the door hoping Ashley or Zach would hear us. We heard barking in the house then Ashley saying, "Neptune quiet." Trouble got so excited she ran around the back and then back to the front door. When Trouble came back Ashley opened the door holding Neptune stopping her from going outside.
Venus ran down the stairs so happy to see us after Ashley woke her up and told her we were here. Neptune was jumping all over me and Trouble trying to get us to play with her until Ashley said, "Nept down. Okay, Trouble, Lucky, Venus, and Neptune let's call Sasha.
We called Sasha letting her know where we were and that we were safe. Sasha started crying out of happiness. Luna came to the camera and said, "Hi Lucky!" She was so happy to see me but little did she know I was going to be her dog on her 14th birthday. I silently freaked out knowing that, of course I couldn't spoil it so I had to stay calm for once.
Trouble whispered to me, "Lucky do you know about the purple banana?" I said no because it is impossible but then she interrupted me saying, "IT IS ALIVE!" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

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