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Chapter 11                                       
Full name is called                                                                                           
We've run out of food. We have nothing. Wiped clean. None of us have eaten in about 12 hours, starving ourselves was the option that wasn't working, the only option really. The food we had lasted us a couple of months, so that was good. Luck's going crazy because she hasn't eaten yet.
    We do have a tunnel going to the abandoned store. We were planning to go there. We packed up our things and me and Sasha were going to go by ourselves while Penny made sure no zombies were gonna take the house down but then everyone wanted to pick out their own bags of chips. I still can't believe we're still in this good of shape when all we've been eating is junk food. Probably from all the fighting and running for our lives, and me training the girls.
The dogs wanted to pick their food too. We were all going, except Lucky. She kept falling over. What a lazy crazy pup.
"Okay, we all have weapons?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "I don't believe you," I checked every one. "Ah-ha!" I yelled at Joana, "your gun isn't loaded what the heck?!?!"
"Sorry," She responded quietly, "How do I do that?"
I slapped my hand to my face, "Penny!" Penny ran over to help Joana.
"It's been 9 months, how do you not know how? This is simple survival stuff." Penny pointed out to Joana. They began to babble away and I got on my stomach to army crawl through the tiny tunnel we dug to the store. It took about 6 weeks to dig this one. All 12 hours of the day too.
    Leader followed me, then Sasha, then Mia, then Gem, then Husky, then Megan, then Heather, then Ellie, then Trouble, then Hunter, then Joana and Penny followed at the end. I was worried about Lucky. She would be at the house all by herself.
She never liked Nico's zombie body in the back too...I don't think anyone did. I tried to act like I was over the whole zombie brother scene, but really I wasn't.
We were almost to the store. I could see a flickering light at the end of the tunnel. I put my flashlight in my mouth and began to crawl more.
    I felt room and crawled out. We were in the store. There was no light except for the one above us. It kept flickering. On and off. On and off. On, and off. I swung my flashlight around looking at all the knocked-down shelves and food scattered everywhere.
"Ooo, Ego's," Mia said walking over to one of the cracked fridges with lights off, "I'm taking these."
"What are you going to do? Cook them over a fire?" Sasha asked.
"That's right child."
"Yes! I found the candy!" Megan yelled from behind an aisle.
"Shut up! This place is swarming with zombies!" Penny hissed.
"Ok Mom."
    We all rushed over where Megan found the candy and began to grab what we wanted like a pack of wild wolves. We were allowed to eat all this junk now with an excuse. I grabbed a shopping cart and rolled it over putting my feet up on the bar and I glided through the whole store. I felt like a child again. That was the first this year. We started piling everything we could into loads of shopping carts and Heather just stood there with no cart at all.
"Help us!" Gem insisted. Heather just slapped her face.
"I don't think you guys notice...but we can't fit shopping carts into a small tunnel."
    We all froze and Trouble dropped the treat bag she was holding in her mouth in shock.
"Welp," I said, "We're gonna do this 2020 style."
"And what is that?" Ellie asked.
    I grinned. 2020 style.
                       . . .
Okay maybe this wasn't 2020 style but I had no idea what I was doing. We had the dogs go in the mile-long tunnel and they would pass the food down to Joana who was back at the house. Joana would take the food and put it all into piles and sort it out. Heat up food in one, chips in the other, fruit in the next, and much more. The rest of us were at the store passing the food to the dogs who would pass it to Joana.
This is probably the smartest idea yet, I'm surprised Ellie didn't think of it.
"I feel like we've done so much food." Penny complained.
"Penny I'm disappointed!" Heather yelled, "There can never be too much food!"
"Especially in an apocalypse." Gem added in.
    I walked to the back of the store where there was a bit more light from the skylights and I couldn't hear everyone talking. There was a big, cracked mirror there and I looked at myself. I was dirty, my clothes were ripped, my hair was a rat's nest, I had scars and cuts all over me, I wore a torn-up crop top that was black with camouflage baggy pants. These pants were my dad's when he was a kid. I had knives on me, bombs that Ellie made, guns. I looked like a warrior...and that wasn't really a good sign when you're 13.
    I stared at myself for a long while. I could make out someone in the mirror behind me. I looked closer. It
"Luna..." She said in her soft caring voice. I quickly turned around. She wasn't there. I looked back at the mirror. All I saw was a lonely girl who killed most of her family.
I suddenly heard a growl and spun around. I heard creaks and...clown laughter? It echoed throughout the whole place. I walked slowly down the isles, the laughing kept echoing.
"Sasha...?" I whispered, "Gem...Penny?"
"Oh Luna." Said a voice, my mom's voice.
    I quickly spun around. In the mirror, I saw her. She laughed loudly. I blinked and she was suddenly a zombie.
"Luna Autumn May," She said in a scary voice. She held out her zombie hands. "Save us all."
"No! No! No!" I screamed holding my head from the sudden pain. Tears rolled down my face and everything began to turn blurry and I heard an eerie screech.
"Save us, Luna!"
"No! Mom!"

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