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Chapter 13                                       
Purple Knife                                       

I kicked the door to the science lab right open. We all looked around with flashlights. The sun was beginning to set, that was no fun.
The place was destroyed. Giant experiments were knocked over, papers everywhere, bottles of glowing liquid splattered all over the place and on the walls, bodies. There were people stuck to walls, along with a weird gooey white sac. There were hands sticking out of it like the people were trying to get out...but didn't make it. It was like a bug rolled them up in their disgusting white spit and popped them on the wall as a snack for later. A zombie could definitely not do that.
There were some other bodies on the ground. Their guts spilled out of their stomach and there was like a giant green worm coming out of them.
"Um..." Sasha said, "A zombie can't do that, can they?" We all just looked around covered in goosebumps. There was only little lighting and that made this even scarier. No zombie can do that.
"Ellie!" I whispered-hissed, "No!" She was walking over to the weird gooey white sac that was on the wall. You could see a scientist's face. It looked like he was trying to get out of there before he died.
"Huh," Ellie said, fascinated, " was made not that long ago."
"What!" Megan hissed quietly, "What are we in now? A gosh darn horror movie!"
"Great, prepare to die." Mia said, taking out an ax.
"Shh! Whoever made that sac-nest thing, whatever made it, we don't want it to find us." Heather pointed out, "From now on we whisper."
    I had an awful feeling about this. Something wasn't...right.
"Ellie!" Penny sounded frustrated. Ellie was trying to touch the gooey wet sac.
"I don't like this." We all stayed close together, except Ellie whose mind was surrounded by fascination and science stuff.
    To be perfectly honest, I was scared too. My stomach was not good. It wasn't like a sick pain, it was like a worrying pain. The feeling, it was like I knew something was about to happen, but didn't know what.
"Guys!" Ellie was very close to the sack, "I think I can use some of this mucus for the cure!"
We all looked at her, "Um...I don't-" I was cut off by a tentacle-like thing grabbing Ellie and pulling her into the sac very quickly.
"Ellie!" We all shouted and ran over to the sac-like thingy, or a nest of something, it could be either. I wasn't that excited about finding out what it was.
    We looked down into the hole in the sac Ellie made when that thing pulled her through. It was like a thick spider web that was gooey, slimy, wet, bright. We all looked down in shock. was never-ending. It was one giant, huge, neverending, wet, gooey, white dome. Like a million spiderwebs piled on top of each other in layers and layers.
"Ellie..." Megan quietly said. Her voice echoed throughout the whole place. The web things suddenly began to shift and turned into one long never-ending hallway.
I blinked my eyes, "Did anyone else just see that?"
"Yea." Heather responded in shock.
"What is this place?"
"Should we go in?" Penny asked.
"I don't know!" Then I put one foot on the gooey webs. It stretched and my foot sank in. It was wet...too wet.
"Luna...are you sure-" But I cut Mia off and held my hand up to shush her.
    White spider-webby vines began to wrap around my leg. They began to move up. Everyone was silent for a moment just watching, then everyone began to flip out and I tried to cut the vines with my knife.
Nothing Happened.
The vines were too strong.
    My knife was special to me. It was a purple spiky one that you held with your middle finger. There was a circle you stuck your finger through. It was the first thing my dad ever gave to me, I was only 5 months old. My mom was gone when he put it in my little chubby baby hand. Supposedly I would love to stab dolls with it instead of play with them. I've had it my whole life. It was special to me.
"Luna, you're sinking!" Gem yelled and that made everyone flip out even more. I was, in fact, sinking.
    The white sticky vines wrapped around me from waist down and pulled my other leg in. They were spreading quickly. My other foot sank in and all that was left of me was from my stomach up. I was going down too quickly.
"Luna!" Megan grabbed my hands and tried pulling me out. They all grabbed me and began to tug.
"Luna!" Tears were streaming down their faces.
"Ug!" My arm got wrapped around the stickiness and sucked into the wet gooeyness. They were all gripping my one arm I had left so hard it felt like it was going to rip right off. My hair got pulled in and the last thing I heard was the crying of someone yelling, "Luna!"

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