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Chapter 23                                       
I woke up to the sound of silence in the shack. The fire was out and everyone was sleeping. Only the moonlight shone through the little cracks onto us. It was weird meeting Loku, I haven't actually met another real-life dude in months, almost a whole year. What made me feel even more funny inside was that he was in my P.E class. He never wore glasses then, but once he was fed up with his nickname "Glasses" He told me he only wore them when he read.
    For some reason Loku made me feel twisty inside, I don't know why, he just did. The rest of the girls didn't really like him, but it was the Z.A and I already promised in the very beginning I wouldn't let anyone die on my watch, even though I already failed that, but I can't abandon someone. Especially someone I kinda know.
    The sharp pain in my shoulder was coming back, I know I never got bit, I would've noticed, and I would be a zombie already. I moved my shirt out of the way and looked. It was just bruised up and purple, probably from when I fell out of the sled, I just didn't notice it until now.
    I walked across the room trying not to make much noise and stepping over everyone. I walked outside wrapped in a blanket, just staring at the moon. It looked bigger than normal...way bigger. It matched with the abandoned buildings all around Carson. The wind howled and it made my head cold from the new haircut I got. Pretty soon I was startled by a voice.
"What time is it?"
"Something 0-clock." I responded sitting down on the old wood.
"You were in my P.E class, right? Before this all happened."
"You cut your hair?"
    I wasn't really the same "me" around other people I don't really know. Take Glasses over here for example (even though he took those glasses off) I wasn't really crazy and funny and wild and me around him. That's how it was with most of my classmates. I was only me around my friends. Friends that were like family. Now, Ziira is a different story, when I met her it was like I already knew her for years, that's why I took it slow at first, then she became my best friend. Then everyone else met her, and it was like she was part of the group already. Loku though, no.
"So um, apparently my older sister said she knew you somehow, before she died." Loku said, sitting next to me on the old wood and staring at the moon.
I turned to look at him, "You have an older sister?"
"Wait, she knows me?"
"Well not exactly, her boyfriend is Sasha's older brother, Zach or something. And your sister is Ameal right? They were best friends..." His voice trailed off.
"Oh, that's interesting."
I was really not that interested but it felt good to talk to someone I kinda knew in school than just my crazy girlfriends over here.
"So how did the zombie apocalypse go for you guys?" Loku asked. Once he said that I went through the whole story from the very beginning. The deaths, our family's deaths, living in Mia's house, Joana and Gem's deaths, the dogs, the lab, the bomb, the blood monster, the helicopter, the helicopter crash, my injured leg that I still had an ugly scar from, the school, the burnt house, the lab in Tahoe, the zombie bears, the sled, the cure, the falling off the sled, Ziira, and basically everything up until here.
"Oh wow, I didn't know you had 5 siblings!" Loku said with huge eyes.
"Yea, it was a crazy house then."
"Dang, you guys have been through so much."
I looked at the moon which was starting to go down, "Yea, I haven't really even noticed since I've said it all out loud."
"Yea, I've only been running from zombies and living in shacks. There's my story, but the cure! How smart is your nerd friend back there?!?!"
"Pretty smart, she had the choice to skip 5 grades but decided to stay in 7th grade with us, and her name is Ellie by the way."
"Ellie? That sounds like a dog name." Loku said laughing.
I glared at him, "Oh shut up! It's short for Elanore!"
"Okay, okay Mrs. Madpants, I was only joking!"
    I knew it was a joke, I even laughed while yelling at him. We both calmed down from giggling and just stared at the night sky in silence.
"The moon's extra big tonight." Loku pointed out.
"No really Glasses?"
He glared at me and I just smiled. But that smile faded away once it came. Pain. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. It felt like an invisible fist just punched me. I clutched my stomach in pain.
"Whoa are you okay?" Loku didn't know what to do.
    Next, my head started to hurt. Everything spun around me and I felt nauseous. I tried to stand up but fell down into Loku's arms.
"Is anyone in your friend group a doctor or something!?!?"
"S-Sasha." I wheezed.
He carried me in and shouted, "EVERYONE WAKE UP!"
    Everyone shot up after that and Loku laid me down on the cold wood.
"What happened!?"
"Is she okay!?"
"Loku what happened!?"
"Glasses what did you DO!?"
"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Sasha screamed at the top of her lungs. She looked down at me and blood began to spill out of my shoulder and shin.
"Uhhhh isn't that where the metal piece was stuck in her leg!?" Mia asked, pointing to my bleeding shin.
"Yea but what's with her shoulder!?" Penny shouted.
"I don't know! Something!" Sasha screamed, "Luna are you okay?"
I nodded yes trying to stay strong but I was in so much pain I seriously thought I was going to die.
"Quickly get her sweatpants off so we can treat the wound!" Sasha shouted, "Loku you didn't happen to take anything from a doctor's office did you?"
"Actually I did, here." He opened up his bag and dumped everything that would help out. There were bandages and Sasha grabbed them. Someone was pulling my sweatpants off but I couldn't tell who, everything was so blurry. Sasha wrapped bandages around my shin and someone else took my shirt off to treat my shoulder wound. It looked infected, badly.
"Luna!" Someone screamed as my eyes slowly began to close. The next thing I knew it I puked up green and yellow chunky...stuff. Just like Misty did before she turned into a zombie.
            . . .
    I woke to Ellie making the loudest racket, I haven't heard that loud of noise since the Z.A first started.
"Stupid test tubes and their stupid tiny holes!"
    I looked up and saw her trying to shove one of the zapping-stones in there. I groaned and laid back down. I was laying on the cold, old wooden floor of the shack where we found Loku. I was covered in blankets and there was a puke bowl next to me. Of course.
Ellie made more racket. "Will you ever SHUT UP!" I screamed.
Ellie stared at me and mumbled, "Somebody has anger issues..."
"You haven't noticed?" I ran my finger across the old wood, getting splinters at the tip.
"Somebody's going through puberty!" Megan laughed.
"Megan, I don't think puking and bleeding out of your shin and shoulders is puberty." Heather said.
"Oh it isn't? Dang, I was waiting for that." Megan responded.
I laughed, "I'm sure you wouldn't want to feel the pain I was in Megan, living death."
" death?" Mia asked.
"You guys are insane." Heather said.
"Yes we are Mother." Mia winked.
    That was Heather's nickname from Mia. Mia would come up with everyone's nicknames, here they all are:
Luna (Me:)-Purple (The hair at the tips)
Penny-Ms Nachos (Long story)
Gem- Montana (She was going to move there but the Z.A happened)
Mia- Carlos (Another long story)
Ellie- Brain (Smarty)
Megan- Poptart (Hrm, let's see, just makes sense)
Heather- Mother Heather (Mom of the group, only calm one, keeps us out of trouble)
Joana- Joe (Yet again, another long story)
Sasha- Looney (I don't know how that happened but it's a long story)
Ziira- Vilaganti bodyguard (It just makes sense)
I guess I'll count Loku- Glasses (Mwhahahaha)
    There, all our nicknames from Mia, and two from me. Loku and Mia. Yes, I came up with Mia's.
    Glasses suddenly walked in at that moment with Sasha.
"Good, you're awake!" Sasha said. She brought me a bowl of soup.
"What's wrong with me?" I asked.
"Well, to be honest, I don't know, but all I know is that you're really sick and need to rest for a couple of days."
"Then what?" Penny asked, waking up from her nap.
"Well, maybe we could head to one of our houses and stay there-"
"My house," I interrupted, "It's still in one piece."
"Okay, then your house."
"Can I come?" Loku asked.
We all looked at him, "Sure Glasses." I sighed.
"I'm not even wearing glasses!" He yelled.
"Once a four eyes, always a four eyes." I winked at him.
"That's gonna be your nickname forever just get used to it, welcome to living with a bunch of girls in the Z.A!" Penny laughed.
Loku shrugged, "At least I'm not dead."
"Can you guys be quiet? I'm trying to work!" Ellie hissed.
"Well you're one to talk." I smirked.
"Okay guys, we should let her work." Ziira suggested.
"And let Purple rest!" And I knew that came from Mia.

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