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Chapter 2                                           
They're Coming                                   
I was hanging out at our family reunion. I go inside to use the bathroom, and I notice the news is on. I decided to watch for a second. It is a police chase, I don't think anything of it and go to the bathroom.
When I come back I get this terrible feeling and know something is wrong. I go up to my room where I can't hear everyone talking.
After everyone is gone my dogs start whining and barking. After a while, I notice Venus is doing the code bark, "Bark, whine, bark." So I rushed downstairs and tell my family, "There is a zombie apocalypse get in the bunkers!"
They don't believe me and say, "Even if there is one we are fine, we are in the middle of nowhere."
"We are next to Las Vegas a zombie can easily run over here and kill you!" I screamed, "Why don't you guys ever believe me, you guys always believe Victoria with the stupidest things!"
Victoria is the oldest in the family, I am the youngest. Even though I am spoiled with six dogs, they only trust and believe Victoria.
My dogs are all mine. I love them all. Their names are Venus, Hunter, Lucky, Husky, Trouble, and Leader.
Venus is a Black and White 2-month-old Great Pyrenees. Hunter is a 3-year-old German Shepherd. Lucky is a 1-year-old golden retriever. Husky is a 5-month-old Border Collie and German Shepard mix. Trouble is a 4-year-old Aussie and Leader is a 6 year old husky.
I got Venus as a family guard dog. We got her 4 days ago so she's still adjusting to the world but she learns quickly, that is why she already knows the code bark. I'm surprised I heard it from her first and not the other dogs like we have had them longer even if it was only for a few days we have still had them longer. 
I'm always surprised at how fast Venus can learn. She took obedience training only a few days ago and she has already moved up to the second class.
I specified black and white because it is not normal for the Great Pyrenees to be a mix of the two colors. They are normally one, like straight black Pyrenees or straight white Pyrenees. If you look up the black Pyrenees it will show up the same as white.
I think I should get back to my family. So you know that Victoria is the oldest and I'm the youngest.
I have an older sister, her name is Ashley and then I have an older brother, his name is Zach so there are four of us. I get along with Ashley and Zach but not Victoria. Victoria may be the oldest but that doesn't mean that she's the most responsible and mature. Most of the time Ashley is the most mature. I think that Ashley should be the oldest and that Victoria should be the
Victoria isn't mature, she isn't responsible, she likes to play pranks on our parents and all of us it's annoying, like really annoying. She is 20 years old and still playing pranks. I'm just glad she has almost moved out, she has almost enough money to buy her own place in Las Vegas.
Ashley is so nice she has so many friends and she lets me hang out with her. She is only three years older than me, she did graduate last year so she's not at my school anymore, but that wouldn't cause anything bad.
Zach is 16 and we're in the same class for third, fourth, and fifth period. We are in high school, unlike my friends. All my friends are in 7-8 grade but they are still my friends. I skipped some grades so that is mainly why I am in the same grade as Zach.
I think I should get back to the whole reason for this book, "We can believe Victoria because she is the oldest." my mom said.
"That is not why you should always believe her, just because she's the oldest? Mom, if I was the oldest you still wouldn't believe me. Ashley, Zach, come on you guys got to believe me, please just go to the bunker I can't see you guys leave me, just go to the bunker and be safe even if you don't believe me." I begged.
"I don't believe you, I'm sorry, but I'll go anyway." Ashley said.
"Zach go with her please, I know you don't believe me but you have to trust me to go to the second bunker, don't go to the first, I know it may sound crazy but don't, just trust me," I was explaining, "Mom, Dad, Victoria, you guys go to the first bunker."
"I am not going into that nasty old bunker, why do those two get to get the good, brand new bunker, not fair." Victoria complained. 
"Victoria you have to believe me, it's safer for them to go to the second bunker and you guys to split up because if one gets infected everyone dies if they're all in the same place."
"Come on Zach let's go, has Sasha ever lied to us? Mom, Dad, Victoria, Zach, has she ever lied to us? No, she has never lied to us. Please Zach come, Mom, Dad, Victoria, go to the bunker please I don't want any of us dying and I especially don't want to be responsible for our deaths just go." Ashley announced.
"Victoria, mom, dad, Zach, please listen to her after all she has never dropped out of school, I've never lied to you guys, Victoria has lied to you please listen to Ashley just please your lives depend on it." I begged.
"Mom, Dad, Victoria, first bunker now! Zach follow me." Ashley stated.
"I will be okay guys trust me, I have a plan. Whenever it is safe I will come back I promise, don't worry about me it may be a few weeks, a few months, but both bunkers are fully packed you will be okay I promise." I said.
We heard a bang on the door and they all ran to the bunkers. I didn't expect that at all. I ran upstairs, grabbed my bags, keys, and weapons, and ran out to the garage.
I started my car and drove off after I locked all the doors and windows. The windows already were boarded because I boarded them while we were arguing.
My dogs were very upset because they couldn't eat before we left, thankfully I packed food for them and freshwater.
I parked in the woods and checked that I had everything. I didn't expect to not have Venus. I wanted to go back but I remembered that she went into the bunker with Ashley and Zach.
I was getting a call from Ashley. She said she could hear screaming and banging on the door. I told her to stay calm and put the harness and leash on Venus for me, then she said, "Okay I will, we should've trusted you I'm sorry okay love you bye." She hung up after that, and I started driving to Mia's house which would be a 6-hour drive.
After a moment I heard Trouble bark and it frightened me when I looked to my side. I froze for a minute, and just stopped driving.

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