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Chapter 21                                       
This All Happened In The Span Of 10 Minutes           
    Okay, you just met me in the previous chapter, but here's my back story:
"Loku...get down here." I heard my older sister, Marissa, call from downstairs. Her voice sounded off. It wasn't angry, it was more of an "oh god the dog ate Mom's wool socks again" even though we don't have a dog.
"What do you want!" I yelled back.
"Loku, get down here!" Now it was angry.
    I slowly crept down the stairs and she was standing in front of the TV in the dark living room. It was around 8:30-9:00-ish.
"What is it?" I asked and she pointed to the TV screen in fear. I looked. She was watching the news (Like an old lady) and it showed zombies everywhere.
"What the heck." I said quietly.
"Hold on, I'll call Mom and Dad." Marissa nervously picked up her phone and clicked some buttons.
They wouldn't answer.
"Oh god." She was scrolling through messages now.
"Try someone else!" I suggested.
"Here I'll call my boyfriend." She held the phone to her ear with her long red hair.
"Boyfriend!?!?" That was the first time she's ever told me she had a boyfriend. But after all, I was her so-called "slug little brother" so.
"I'm 16 Loku, I of course have a boyfriend you haven't figured that out yet?"
"Okay...what's his name?"
"Stop acting like Dad!" She hissed.
"Come on we might die, tell me." I was giving her puppy face with my hazel light eyes.
She glared at me, "Fine it's Zach, big deal."
I took my chance, "Ooooo Zach, what's he like...smoochy smoochy!"
    She shoved me into the cabinet and we heard her pink phone go, "I'm sorry but the person you are trying to reach can not come to the phone right now-"
"Oh come on!" I cut off.
"Okay let me try Ameal, she's another friend." Marissa suggested. That time someone picked up the phone.
"Ameal? Ameal is that you!?" Marissa asked.
"Oh my god, Marissa! Are you ok!" The girl named Ameal answered.
"Yea! Where are you! Are you fine!?"
Ameal was panting hard like she was running.
"Um, Marissa...okay, I'm leading a horde of zombies away from Lease, Nico, and Luna, I won't see you again...goodbye." Then Ameal hung up.
"Wait Ameal-" But Marissa was too late, "Oh my god..."
"Luna?" I said, "I'm pretty sure that kids in my P.E class."
"Oh shut up Loku my BFF just died!"
"Look, we have to get out of here." Marissa grabbed her car keys off the counter and disappeared into the garage, leaving me in the darkroom watching the news.
    It showed a map of the world on the TV and every single country and state was infected by zombies. Even the ocean. Man, talk about zombie sharks.
"Oh my god." I said then Marissa came back in from the garage.
    She had a backpack filled with things and weapons. Four guns and seven knives, "Let's go!"
"Go where!?!?" I yelled.
"Mia's house!"
"Whose Mia!?!?"
Marissa gave me "the look" then explained, "My boyfriend's sister's friend now let's go! All of them are going there!"
"WHAT!" I was so confused at this moment but just followed my sister's lead.
"Come on pipsqueak!" She opened up the front door.
"Whose 'all of them'?" I asked as we walked down the porch and ran to the car.
"Everyone Zach knows, everyone his sister knows, everyone I know, now move it!"
    I opened up the car door and we climbed in. Marissa shoved the keys into the keyhole and we pulled out of the driveway.
"Where does Mia live?" I asked, "I'm pretty sure she's in my P.E class too."
"Is everyone in your P.E class?" Marissa took a sharp turn and was speeding through the neighborhood that had zombies all over.
"Yea I guess."
"We actually just passed Mia's house a couple of blocks down, but we're finding Mom and Dad first." Marissa explained.
"What? How?"
Marissa held up her phone, "An old app called Find My, check their location."
She tossed the phone to me and I caught it, "Uhh, CVI Casino."
"Of course they're at a casino they probably don't even know there's zombies running around for brains!"
    I took the chance with Marissa's phone unlocked to read her text messages. The first one I went to was Zach, her boyfriend. He texted her after the missed call but she hadn't read it yet so I did:
    "Sasha is heading to Mia's house with the dogs, head there, please. Me, Ashley, Victoria, Venus, and my parents are staying in the bunkers at the house, Sasha said she has a plan and to trust her. Get to Mia's house with your little brother and parents, all of Sasha's friends know your little brother, Loku, because he is supposedly in their P.E class and is the 'Loud annoying kid' and they all hate him so watch out. I will see you later, love you."

    I was trying to think of all the girls in my class, but yea I guess that made somewhat sense. I decided to text this so-called "Zach" back and say: "Oh darling! I love you no matter what happens! I will keep your sister and her friends safe don't worry! I love you, darling!!! XOXO" I knew Marissa was gonna kill me for saying that so I disabled her phone for 10 minutes and set it down.
"How do you know where Mia lives?" I asked.
"Her older brother is my ex."
"We don't speak to Mom and Dad about this, understand?" Marissa hissed.
"Lips sealed."
    I looked out the window and it was chaotic. There were zombies everywhere and it was like the world was in flames already. Marissa was speeding through and trying to get to the casino Mom and Dad were at. She pulled up into the parking lot and we climbed out.
"Here!" And Marissa passed me a loaded gun.
"Uh, thanks?"
    We ran down the stone stairs and into the main entrance of the casino/hotel/restaurant. The smell of smoke hit me and it was like a bomb went off in there.
"I hate casinos." I moaned.
"I know, me too, but come on!" Marissa started running up the large stairs to the second floor and I followed behind.
    We soon made it to the casino part of the building. We ran in and there were flashing lights and games and people yelling numbers everywhere.
One waiter saw us, "No guns in here! No children too!"
"It's the zombie apocalypse fool get used to it." Then Marissa took my hand and led me in deeper.
    I think that's what made me realize what an awesome sister I had. Zach must be a lucky guy, but breaking up with her? Oof that wouldn't end well.
"There!" I shouted pointing to a poker table. Mom and Dad were both playing and looked like they were...I don't know, dancing?
We ran over to them, "Mom! Dad! We have to get out of here!" Marissa yelled over the loud music.
"Not-not yet girl...I wanna keep playing!" Mom shouted extremely loud.
"Uh, I think she drank too much." I pointed out.
"Oh really?" Marissa tried dragging her but she wouldn't budge.
"Let's stay here forever!" And then Dad passed out on the floor.
"Okay then," Marissa said, staring at them, "You take Mom I'll take Dad." She picked Dad up from the feet and started dragging him away.
"Come on Mom." And I took her hand and led her towards the stairs.
"Ooooooo where we going?"
"Uh, the cake park." I suggested.
"Ooooo yes! Pie!"
    Drunk Mom, passed out Dad, zombie apocalypse, what a life. We dragged them down the stairs and plopped them into the back seat of the car, then we climbed it.
"Candy shop...hehehe." Then Mom passed out along with Dad.
"Okay easy enough." Then Marissa stomped on the pedal before a zombie could jump on the windshield.
"So we're going to Mia's house now?" I asked.
"I guess so, last safe place, my boyfriends already there with his sister and her friends."
"Heh heh...yeah." I didn't want to tell her I read her boyfriend's messages and he was still in Las Vegas in a bunker with the rest of his family and his sister was driving across Nevada to get to Mia's house. I'll save it for later.
"Okay, we're almost there, she lives on-" Marissa was cut off by a groan in the backseat. We slowly turned our heads and saw that both Mom and Dad were turning into zombies. They even reeked of rotten flesh and wet cigarettes.
"OH MY GOD!!!" Marissa screamed and stomped on the breaks. We all went lurching forward.
"Get out!" I screamed.
    We spilled out, slammed the doors shut, and locked the car down.
"Holy cow there's zombies." I said pointing to a horde of them that were running after us.
"Oh no."
"Marissa," I said, staring ahead with huge eyes, "Run."
    We both sprinted away as fast as we could and our zombie parents banged on the car doors. The zombies behind us were so quick and they wouldn't stop sprinting. I didn't know the zombies could be dang terminators.
"Run Loku, you're in track!!!" Marissa screamed at me.
"I'm going as fast as I can!"
    Marissa's foot suddenly got jammed in a crack that was split down the middle of the road. I looked back and saw her in fear.
"Oh shoot, go without me! RUN!"
"What I won't leave you!" Now I was screaming at her.
She threw a rock at me and told me to go, "Ow! Okay, okay, I'm going..."
    I started sprinting away and I heard gunfire behind me. I never looked back. I heard screaming, and growling, and more gunfire. Tears were actually rolling down my face. I haven't cried like this in years.
    I brought up enough courage and took one last look. I was really far away and the zombies were just specks, but I could see that Marissa was no longer stuck, but she was also nowhere to be found. But somewhere deep down, I knew she wasn't dead.

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